The View of Wittgenstein a bout „The Meaning
Subject Areas : Philosophy
1 - ندارد
Keywords: Ontological argument–Absolute ,
Abstract :
The meaning and it's relation with the word is the first problem in thetheatrical linguistics. Wittgenstein believes in the, Picture theory ofmeaning, the significant depends on two poles, true pole and false pole.Therefore in his oponion, the statements that aren't empirical aren'tpropositions. Because the Propositions explainers the reality but thestatements aren't empirical so doesn’t represent anything. He critiqueshis opinions in the “Philosophical Investigations” about the meaningand its relations with the facts. In this book he believes the meaning ofa word is in its Use, and how it uses in the sentence and we must askabout its Use in the sentence. His mistake in the Tractatus was a kind ofincorrect judgment about, the meaning, but he tries to reform it in thePhilosophical investigations. This essay represents the verification thatis acceptable for positivists have three problems:necessary necessary in every dimension". But unlike to Anselem theydo not prove the existence of God through this definition. they proveGod's attributes by this. Then the kant's Objections to this argument hasbeen discussed.The article continues with a second version of this argument. Thisversion avoids kant's Objections and try to prove God on the basis ofnecessity of His being. If we can show that the proposition of "Godexists" is necesserily true, then this proposition is true in all possibleworlds. In the end Mulla Sadra's view of the rule of "necessary being isnecessary in every dimension" has been discussed and shown that thisview is compatible with the second version of ontological argument