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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Rule of „Basit al-Haqiqah‰ in Mulla SadraÊs Viewpoint
        Dr. A. Eftekharī Saa‘di
        Basit al-HaqIqah” is one of the most famous rules in the Islamicphilosophy. Especially in works of later Islamic philosophers. Theintroduction of this rule is referred to multiple works of Mullasadraand his descriptions or explanations on it. But one question is l More
        Basit al-HaqIqah” is one of the most famous rules in the Islamicphilosophy. Especially in works of later Islamic philosophers. Theintroduction of this rule is referred to multiple works of Mullasadraand his descriptions or explanations on it. But one question is left;whether it was a known rule or at least its content had been usedbetween former philosophers or not.In this article we have presented content of this rule, and its contenthistory and methods and results of its confirmation. So new aspects ofthis norm will be analyzed by its readout. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - HegelÊs Philosophy of Nature
        Dr. Majid Akbari
        Naturphilosophie (philosophy of Nature/ Natural philosophy) is oneimportant and difficult part of Hegel s philosophy. Science thinksNature; philosophy comprehends it.Nature falls into three greatstages, each higher than the preceding, the subject of threedepartments of More
        Naturphilosophie (philosophy of Nature/ Natural philosophy) is oneimportant and difficult part of Hegel s philosophy. Science thinksNature; philosophy comprehends it.Nature falls into three greatstages, each higher than the preceding, the subject of threedepartments of Natural philosophy-Mechanics, physics, andorganics. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Ontological Argument, with a View to the Islamic Philosophy
        Dr. E. Rahmati
        One of the most famous arguments for existence of God in theWestern Philosophy is the Ontological argument. The basic ground forthis argument is st. Anselm's definition of God as that than which nogreater being can be conceived. The definition is comparable withMuslim P More
        One of the most famous arguments for existence of God in theWestern Philosophy is the Ontological argument. The basic ground forthis argument is st. Anselm's definition of God as that than which nogreater being can be conceived. The definition is comparable withMuslim Philosophers' definition of necessary being to the effect that Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Ending of Divine Retribution in Ibn al-Arabi's Mystical Eschatology
        H. Siahkuhian
        The Constancy of Divine Retribution is an important subject inIslamic eschatology. This subject which is related to "the committer ofcardinal sins" has a special place in theological discussions. Ibn-al-Arabi among Islamic thinkers is the only one who belives in DivineR More
        The Constancy of Divine Retribution is an important subject inIslamic eschatology. This subject which is related to "the committer ofcardinal sins" has a special place in theological discussions. Ibn-al-Arabi among Islamic thinkers is the only one who belives in DivineRetribution no to be perpetual. He holds that Hell is a changeablephenomenon and anunstable affair. According to Ibn-al-Arabi viewpoint, the Divine Retribution finally will be transformed in to DivineGrace and eventually eternal peace(1) In Mechanics, Nature is regarded in the abstract, in the simplest andvaguest form of its idea -- that of externality. (2) Physics: In all thethree portions of mechanical Nature it is quantity and quantity only thatis exhibited. The matter which physics verifies is qualitative orindividual. (3) Organics, where Nature first acquires the character ofsubject, with the power which a subject has of gathering up all its partsor differences under its own control. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The View of Wittgenstein a bout „The Meaning
        Dr. A. Gharavi
        The meaning and it's relation with the word is the first problem in thetheatrical linguistics. Wittgenstein believes in the, Picture theory ofmeaning, the significant depends on two poles, true pole and false pole.Therefore in his oponion, the statements that aren't emp More
        The meaning and it's relation with the word is the first problem in thetheatrical linguistics. Wittgenstein believes in the, Picture theory ofmeaning, the significant depends on two poles, true pole and false pole.Therefore in his oponion, the statements that aren't empirical aren'tpropositions. Because the Propositions explainers the reality but thestatements aren't empirical so doesn’t represent anything. He critiqueshis opinions in the “Philosophical Investigations” about the meaningand its relations with the facts. In this book he believes the meaning ofa word is in its Use, and how it uses in the sentence and we must askabout its Use in the sentence. His mistake in the Tractatus was a kind ofincorrect judgment about, the meaning, but he tries to reform it in thePhilosophical investigations. This essay represents the verification thatis acceptable for positivists have three problems:necessary necessary in every dimension". But unlike to Anselem theydo not prove the existence of God through this definition. they proveGod's attributes by this. Then the kant's Objections to this argument hasbeen discussed.The article continues with a second version of this argument. Thisversion avoids kant's Objections and try to prove God on the basis ofnecessity of His being. If we can show that the proposition of "Godexists" is necesserily true, then this proposition is true in all possibleworlds. In the end Mulla Sadra's view of the rule of "necessary being isnecessary in every dimension" has been discussed and shown that thisview is compatible with the second version of ontological argument Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Nietzsche, Psychology and Ethics
        Dr.Tahere Mesgar Heravi
        This Article refers to Nietzsche’s opinions about ethics from hispsychological perspective to show how his thoughts of philosophy areinfluenced from this perspective.Nietzsche’s idea of " The Will to Power”, as a fundamental force indepth of the human' More
        This Article refers to Nietzsche’s opinions about ethics from hispsychological perspective to show how his thoughts of philosophy areinfluenced from this perspective.Nietzsche’s idea of " The Will to Power”, as a fundamental force indepth of the human's nature, that is hidden from consciousness,determines the human’s will and acts, and also with showing theimportant and influential role of unconsciousness in act of thought andconsciousness he presents a psychological interpretation of the human'sacts, and thereby challenges concept of transcendental ego, free willand finally ethics. In the following, by considering some of mainconcepts of the Nietzsche's standpoint of psychology, his commonideas in this subject with concepts of new psychology and especiallywith Freud's opinion will be discussed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Ghaznawides and Philosophy and Theology in Khorasan and Transoxania
        Dr. Mahbub Mahdavian
        The lands of Khorasan and Transoxania before Islam were one of theimportant scientific and cultural centers of Iran, and had an outstandingrole in ruling Abbasides during the Isiamic era. Because of this, Theyhave been one of the pioneering lands in the world of Islam, More
        The lands of Khorasan and Transoxania before Islam were one of theimportant scientific and cultural centers of Iran, and had an outstandingrole in ruling Abbasides during the Isiamic era. Because of this, Theyhave been one of the pioneering lands in the world of Islam, from notonly political but also scientific and cultural points of view, particularlyin philosophy and theology. Ghaznawhdes government was one of themost important governments that ruled the entire of this land duringtheir authority. in this article, it has been attempted to survey andanalyze the role of Ghaznawides in the development of philosophy andtheology in Khorasan and Transoxania which led to the suppression ofphilosophy, Ismailism and Mutazilites, and strengthening of theologicalcastes of karramites and Ashrites. Manuscript profile