A Study of Socio-Cultural Development of Organizations Relying on Redesigning Customer Relationship Management Model in Media Centers of Iranian Organizations (Case Study: Kargaran Welfare Bank)
Subject Areas :
Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies
Kamran Kianimanesh
Aliakbar Farhangi
Seyed Jamaleddin Tabibi
1 - Department of Media Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Media Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Media Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2020-11-13
Accepted : 2020-11-13
Published : 2020-10-22
Media Centers,
Communication Effectiveness,
Contact or Customer,
Abstract :
The rapid advancement of information and communication technology in the past decades, the growing competition between organizations in attracting and retaining customers as the main source of competitive advantage in today's world has led to the emergence of a new concept called customer relationship management. This article, due to the introduction of new concepts such as customer reciprocity, consumer protection ... In the Iranian organizations, effective communication between the audience and the customer is trying to map the implementation of a customer relationship management system in Iranian organizations. To achieve this, after describing the concepts and expanding the topics related to customer relationship management, models and patterns have been considered in today's organizations, and the common components among them have been extracted in three areas of processes, technology and human issues. Through studies the necessity of implementing the review model and then studying the knowledge of the world today, the frameworks of implementation of customer relationship management in today's organizations were investigated and their elements were extracted. Considering the specific features of the Iranian environment, a framework was proposed, which was completely compared by reviewing the subject matter of the research. Adaptation the content and creative thinking were obtained. Through a case study at the Refugee Bank of Workers as an Iranian service organization, more information was gathered about the proposed framework.
ابراهیم نظری،طاها،حمدی،کریم،ایران نژاد پاریزی،مهدی،پاییز 1396،مدل تجاری سازی محصولات و خدمات در کشورهای در حال توسعه، مجله مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی ایران،سال نهم، شماره 4،106-105
ارباب شیرانی، بهروز و صغری ایلوش، ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت، ارائه چهارچوبی جهت مدیریت ارتباط با مشتری در سازمانهای ایرانی
البدوی، امیر و حاجی زمانعلی، علی، چهارمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع، مدلی برای مدیریت ارتباط با مشتری در ایران
بیگدلی، دانیال،(1385)، مدل پیاده سازی مدیریت ارتباط با مشتری در سرویس های برون سپار داخلی، دانشگاه تربیت درس، استاد راهنما: دکتر رضا برادران کاظم زاده
تارخ، محمد جعفر،( 1383)، مدیریت امورمشتریان الکترونیکی، تهران، کتاب یوسف، چاپ اول
حاجی زمانعلی ، علی،(1383)، چهارچوبی برای پیاده سازی مدیریت ارتباط با مشتری، پایان نامه کارشناسی ارشد، دانشکده فنی و مهندسی دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، استاد راهنما: دکتر امیر البدوی
حافظ نیا، محمدرضا، (1387)، روش تحقیق در علوم انسانی،تهران انتشارات سمت
رضاییان فردویی، صدیقه، و ضیغمی منفرد، محمد علی و خوش الحان، فرید، ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت
ملکی، آناهیتا و دارابی، ماهان، (1387)، چهارچوبهای مختلف پیاده سازی مدیریت ارتباط با مشتری
مو.سوی،میرنجف،اکبری،مجید،محمدی حمیدی،سمیه،پاییز 1396،بررسی و تحلیل شاخص های توسعه رفاه در کشورهای اسلامی ،مجله مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی ایران،سال نهم، شماره 4،66-65
ناظمی آسیه و حکیم،امین، ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت، مدل راهبردی ارزیابی، انتخاب و پیاده سازی سیستم های CRM در سازمانها
الهی، شعبان و حیدری، (بهمن 84)، مدیریت ارتباط با مشتری، تهران، شرکت چاپ و شر بازرگانی، چاپ دوم
ACCPAC (2009); how to choose a CRM system; available at:< http: II & id= crm.insightexe.com/cgi-bin/library.cgi?action=detail 4086&dil _ publisher _ varid=39> [09, 08, 2009]
Brewton, James (2014);the CRM scorecard + Strategic six sigma: A powerful Approach for maximizing CRM Strategy Execution success; Available at: < http://www.crm2day.com/crlll_articles-12.php> [09, 08, 2009]
Burnett,K.(2001);Handbook of key customer Relationship Management: The Definitive Guide to winning, managing and developing key account business; prentice Hall: New Jersey
Cherkaoui, said (2002); Return of Investment, Information Technology & Customer Relationship Management; available at: <http//www.ebcitd.org/CITD_Training. Pdf> [10, 08, 2009]
D. peppers, M. Rogers and R. Drof. (1998) "is your company Ready for one-to-one marketing?” Harvard Business Review. Jan- Feb, pp 151-160.
Dick A.S. e Basu K., 1994, Customer Ioyalty: Toward an Integrated conceptual Framework,Journal of marketing Management, voL15, pp:541-562
Dziugas M. & V. Kirsi (2004); The Challengesof Implementing the Electronic Customer Relationship; Lappeenranta Univercity of Technology; Finland; Available at: http://info. Lut. Fi/kati/cources/kv-
Feinberg J. & N. C. Romano (2003); Electronic customer Relationship Management- Revising the general principles of usability and resistance – an integrative implementation framework; Business process Management Journal, vol.9 no.5
Galbreat, J. & Rogers, T. (1999); customer Relationship Leadership: a leadership and motivation model for the twenty-first century business; the TQM Magazine. Volume 11 no3 pp.161-171
Gartner (2013); Management Update: The Eight Building Blocks of CRM; Available at:<http//www.inforte.com/knowledge/publications/kn_ publications_ savecrm. Pelf>
Gray, paul & jungbok Byun(2011); customer Relationship management; university of california; available at: [07, 08, 2009]
Gunningham, J. Micheal(2002); customer Relationship Management; Wiley company; oxford; united kingdom; pp: 5-11; available at: ;[07 , 08, 2009]
Hamp J. F. & P. Swatman (2002); customer Relationship Management; Institute fur wirschaltsinformatik;
Hippner H., s. martin, K.D. Wilde: Customer Relationship management; in WiSt, Heft 8, August 2001, pp.417 -422.
IT toolbox (2003); "CRM implementation – The steps to success"; Available at :< http://crm.Ittoolbox. Com / documents / document. Asp? I=; [09, 08, 200
Johanson, Johan &. Fredrik storm (2012); customer Relationship Management- Case studies of five Swedish company; Lulea university of technology; available at :www.epubl.luth.se/1404-5508/2002/0J6/imdex-en.html; [09,09,2009]
Kaltakota, R &Robinson, M. (1999); E-business, Roadmap for success Johanson, johan & Fredrik Storm; customer Relationship Management. Case studies of five Swedish company; Luleal university of technology; 2012; available at: www.epllbl.luth.se/1404-5508/2002/016/index-cn.html>; [09, 09, 2009]
Kim J, Suh E. & Hwang H. (2003); A model for Evaluting the Efectiveness of CRM using The balancescorecard; Journal Of interactive marketing ;available at: [10, 08, 2009]
Kotler, P. (2003); Marketing management; 11th Edition. New Jersy: Prentice Hall. Pp.52
Larson, S. & susanna H. (2004); Managing Customer Ioyalty in the Automative Industry; Department of Business Administration and Social sciences;
Newell, F. (2000), Loyalty.com, customer Relationship Management in the new era of internet marketing; Mcgraw-hill:new York
Nykamp.m. (2002); Customer Strategy integration: building business valu through Customer loyalty; availably at:http: //www.crm2day.com/library/epupfpuypxavgsp TKphp [10, 08, 2009]
Ocker R. J. and Susan mudambi (2002); Assessing the readiness of firms for CRM: Literature Review and Research Model; Temple University; Philadelphia; Available at: [09, 08, 2009]
Oliver R.L., 1999, Whence Consumer Ioyalty?, Journal of marketing, Special Issue, pp:33-44
Payne A. (2000); customer Relationship Management; paper from the inaugural meeting of the London based customer relationship foundation. July 17th, available at: http://www.crm-forum.com/library/aca/aca_O I O/brandframc.html
Russell S. Winner (2001); customer Relationship Management: A Framework, Research Directions .and the Future; Haas school of business; University of California at Berkeley; available at: <http:// groups. Has.berkeley. edu/fcsuitlPDF-papers/CRM520paper. Pdf> [10, 08, 2009]
Salmen, S.M. & muir.A.(2003); Electrinic customer care: The innovative path to e-Ioyalty; Journal of Financial Services marketing; Vol. 8,2 133-144
Swift R. S (2001); Accelerating customer Relationship : using CRM and technologies; prentice Hall: New Jersy
Tam, K. (2012); customer Relationship Management; available at: <http//www.scs. Uner, edu/~tamz/crmbrief. Pdf> [09, 08, 2009]
Thomas, Alice (2004); Top 10 CRM Best practices; CGI – AMS; Available at: <http://www2.Cio.com/consultantireport 2625 . htlll)>; [09, 08, 2009]
Thompson, Bob (2004);what is CRM?; available at:< crmguru,custhelp.com>,[07, 08, 2009]
Turban, E., Mcl.ean, E. and Wetherbe, J. (2002); Information teachnology for management: making connections for strategic advantage; 2nd eel. New York: wiley
Wilde K. D., H. Hippner,C. frielitz, and S. Martin (2001);Marketing E-CRM; absatzwirtschaft, Dusseldorf
ابراهیم نظری،طاها،حمدی،کریم،ایران نژاد پاریزی،مهدی،پاییز 1396،مدل تجاری سازی محصولات و خدمات در کشورهای در حال توسعه، مجله مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی ایران،سال نهم، شماره 4،106-105
ارباب شیرانی، بهروز و صغری ایلوش، ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت، ارائه چهارچوبی جهت مدیریت ارتباط با مشتری در سازمانهای ایرانی
البدوی، امیر و حاجی زمانعلی، علی، چهارمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع، مدلی برای مدیریت ارتباط با مشتری در ایران
بیگدلی، دانیال،(1385)، مدل پیاده سازی مدیریت ارتباط با مشتری در سرویس های برون سپار داخلی، دانشگاه تربیت درس، استاد راهنما: دکتر رضا برادران کاظم زاده
تارخ، محمد جعفر،( 1383)، مدیریت امورمشتریان الکترونیکی، تهران، کتاب یوسف، چاپ اول
حاجی زمانعلی ، علی،(1383)، چهارچوبی برای پیاده سازی مدیریت ارتباط با مشتری، پایان نامه کارشناسی ارشد، دانشکده فنی و مهندسی دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، استاد راهنما: دکتر امیر البدوی
حافظ نیا، محمدرضا، (1387)، روش تحقیق در علوم انسانی،تهران انتشارات سمت
رضاییان فردویی، صدیقه، و ضیغمی منفرد، محمد علی و خوش الحان، فرید، ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت
ملکی، آناهیتا و دارابی، ماهان، (1387)، چهارچوبهای مختلف پیاده سازی مدیریت ارتباط با مشتری
مو.سوی،میرنجف،اکبری،مجید،محمدی حمیدی،سمیه،پاییز 1396،بررسی و تحلیل شاخص های توسعه رفاه در کشورهای اسلامی ،مجله مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی ایران،سال نهم، شماره 4،66-65
ناظمی آسیه و حکیم،امین، ششمین کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت، مدل راهبردی ارزیابی، انتخاب و پیاده سازی سیستم های CRM در سازمانها
الهی، شعبان و حیدری، (بهمن 84)، مدیریت ارتباط با مشتری، تهران، شرکت چاپ و شر بازرگانی، چاپ دوم
ACCPAC (2009); how to choose a CRM system; available at:< http: II & id= crm.insightexe.com/cgi-bin/library.cgi?action=detail 4086&dil _ publisher _ varid=39> [09, 08, 2009]
Brewton, James (2014);the CRM scorecard + Strategic six sigma: A powerful Approach for maximizing CRM Strategy Execution success; Available at: < http://www.crm2day.com/crlll_articles-12.php> [09, 08, 2009]
Burnett,K.(2001);Handbook of key customer Relationship Management: The Definitive Guide to winning, managing and developing key account business; prentice Hall: New Jersey
Cherkaoui, said (2002); Return of Investment, Information Technology & Customer Relationship Management; available at: <http//www.ebcitd.org/CITD_Training. Pdf> [10, 08, 2009]
D. peppers, M. Rogers and R. Drof. (1998) "is your company Ready for one-to-one marketing?” Harvard Business Review. Jan- Feb, pp 151-160.
Dick A.S. e Basu K., 1994, Customer Ioyalty: Toward an Integrated conceptual Framework,Journal of marketing Management, voL15, pp:541-562
Dziugas M. & V. Kirsi (2004); The Challengesof Implementing the Electronic Customer Relationship; Lappeenranta Univercity of Technology; Finland; Available at: http://info. Lut. Fi/kati/cources/kv-
Feinberg J. & N. C. Romano (2003); Electronic customer Relationship Management- Revising the general principles of usability and resistance – an integrative implementation framework; Business process Management Journal, vol.9 no.5
Galbreat, J. & Rogers, T. (1999); customer Relationship Leadership: a leadership and motivation model for the twenty-first century business; the TQM Magazine. Volume 11 no3 pp.161-171
Gartner (2013); Management Update: The Eight Building Blocks of CRM; Available at:<http//www.inforte.com/knowledge/publications/kn_ publications_ savecrm. Pelf>
Gray, paul & jungbok Byun(2011); customer Relationship management; university of california; available at: [07, 08, 2009]
Gunningham, J. Micheal(2002); customer Relationship Management; Wiley company; oxford; united kingdom; pp: 5-11; available at: ;[07 , 08, 2009]
Hamp J. F. & P. Swatman (2002); customer Relationship Management; Institute fur wirschaltsinformatik;
Hippner H., s. martin, K.D. Wilde: Customer Relationship management; in WiSt, Heft 8, August 2001, pp.417 -422.
IT toolbox (2003); "CRM implementation – The steps to success"; Available at :< http://crm.Ittoolbox. Com / documents / document. Asp? I=; [09, 08, 200
Johanson, Johan &. Fredrik storm (2012); customer Relationship Management- Case studies of five Swedish company; Lulea university of technology; available at :www.epubl.luth.se/1404-5508/2002/0J6/imdex-en.html; [09,09,2009]
Kaltakota, R &Robinson, M. (1999); E-business, Roadmap for success Johanson, johan & Fredrik Storm; customer Relationship Management. Case studies of five Swedish company; Luleal university of technology; 2012; available at: www.epllbl.luth.se/1404-5508/2002/016/index-cn.html>; [09, 09, 2009]
Kim J, Suh E. & Hwang H. (2003); A model for Evaluting the Efectiveness of CRM using The balancescorecard; Journal Of interactive marketing ;available at: [10, 08, 2009]
Kotler, P. (2003); Marketing management; 11th Edition. New Jersy: Prentice Hall. Pp.52
Larson, S. & susanna H. (2004); Managing Customer Ioyalty in the Automative Industry; Department of Business Administration and Social sciences;
Newell, F. (2000), Loyalty.com, customer Relationship Management in the new era of internet marketing; Mcgraw-hill:new York
Nykamp.m. (2002); Customer Strategy integration: building business valu through Customer loyalty; availably at:http: //www.crm2day.com/library/epupfpuypxavgsp TKphp [10, 08, 2009]
Ocker R. J. and Susan mudambi (2002); Assessing the readiness of firms for CRM: Literature Review and Research Model; Temple University; Philadelphia; Available at: [09, 08, 2009]
Oliver R.L., 1999, Whence Consumer Ioyalty?, Journal of marketing, Special Issue, pp:33-44
Payne A. (2000); customer Relationship Management; paper from the inaugural meeting of the London based customer relationship foundation. July 17th, available at: http://www.crm-forum.com/library/aca/aca_O I O/brandframc.html
Russell S. Winner (2001); customer Relationship Management: A Framework, Research Directions .and the Future; Haas school of business; University of California at Berkeley; available at: <http:// groups. Has.berkeley. edu/fcsuitlPDF-papers/CRM520paper. Pdf> [10, 08, 2009]
Salmen, S.M. & muir.A.(2003); Electrinic customer care: The innovative path to e-Ioyalty; Journal of Financial Services marketing; Vol. 8,2 133-144
Swift R. S (2001); Accelerating customer Relationship : using CRM and technologies; prentice Hall: New Jersy
Tam, K. (2012); customer Relationship Management; available at: <http//www.scs. Uner, edu/~tamz/crmbrief. Pdf> [09, 08, 2009]
Thomas, Alice (2004); Top 10 CRM Best practices; CGI – AMS; Available at: <http://www2.Cio.com/consultantireport 2625 . htlll)>; [09, 08, 2009]
Thompson, Bob (2004);what is CRM?; available at:< crmguru,custhelp.com>,[07, 08, 2009]
Turban, E., Mcl.ean, E. and Wetherbe, J. (2002); Information teachnology for management: making connections for strategic advantage; 2nd eel. New York: wiley
Wilde K. D., H. Hippner,C. frielitz, and S. Martin (2001);Marketing E-CRM; absatzwirtschaft, Dusseldorf