Identification and ranking of effective factors in improving clinical information dashboard management and decision-making by health system managers (meta-analysis)
Subject Areas : Health Management Services
Houriyeh Naji .esfahani
صدیقه محمداسماعیل
Fatemeh Nooshinfard
1 - PhD student, Faculty of Information Science and Epistemology, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Information Science and Epistemology, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Information Science and Epistemology, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Dashboard management, decision making, health system,
Abstract :
Introduction: Clinical information dashboard management helps health system managers to have accurate and up-to-date information in their decisions in the shortest possible time. This study was conducted with the aim of prioritizing effective factors in improving clinical information dashboard management and decision-making by health system managers. Research method: This research is an applied study in terms of its purpose. Qualitative research method, meta-composite technique and Delphi panel were used to collect data, Shannon's entropy technique was used to evaluate criteria, and CASP was used as a tool for quality control of articles and synthesis of qualitative findings. In this research, 20 senior managers, experts and experts of key health system organizations in five major cities (Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashhad and Ahvaz) were selected and examined. Findings: In the qualitative phase, 10 components (decision optimization, visualization, time management, diagnosis, information transparency, organization needs assessment, equipment management, human resources management, financial resources management, and dashboard features) and 59 effective codes were identified. Conclusion: The most important effective factors in creating clinical information dashboard management are: interaction between doctors and managers, facilitating access to clinical information, the ability to provide useful reports, the ability to analyze data, the ability to provide useful reports and help to publish them on time. . This study can be useful as a reference for future research in this field.
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