Abstract The effect of perceived organizational policies on the job performance of the employees of the deputy health department of Qom
Subject Areas : Health Management Services
Abolfazl Mohammadkarimi
کامران حاجی نبی
leila nazarimanesh
1 - M.A. Department of Health and Medical Services Management, Faculty of Medical Sciences and Technologies, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Health and Medical Services Management, Faculty of Medical Sciences and Technologies, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Health and Medical Services Management, Faculty of Medical Sciences and Technologies, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: perceived organizational policies, job performance, organizations, Qom province,
Abstract :
Introduction: Human power is the most valuable capital of any organization and improving its productivity is considered the main source of organizational growth and development. For this reason, today organizations are trying to focus on the identification of factors affecting the productivity of human resources according to the findings of behavioral management and resource development management. Therefore, for their survival and dynamism, organizations have to identify environmental changes and factors affecting organizations and try to reduce or intensify them. The purpose of this content is to investigate the effects of perceived organizational policies on the job performance of the employees of the health department of Qom province.
Methods: The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive data collection is of correlational type. In this research, non-probability sampling method was used. Considering that the number of the target population is 1200, the statistical sample size was 291 using Cochran's equation and Morgan's table. In order to analyze the data, SPSS software version 26 and STATA software version 17 were used.
Results: In the following, in order to investigate the main hypotheses, from the non-parametric regression method, the effect of the dimension of public political behavior and the dimension of pay and promotion policies on job performance was statistically significant (significance level 0.047 and regression coefficient -0.076) and therefore Their hypotheses are accepted. Therefore, in general, it can be claimed that perceived organizational policies have an effect on job performance.
Conclusion: According to the results of the present research, organizational policies have an effect on the job performance of employees, and managers should be diligent in creating a less political environment and creating a supportive and friendly atmosphere to deal with the negative effects of politics in organizations.
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