Explaining the impact of paradigm on changes in form in contemporary architecture
Subject Areas : architecture
1 - Assistant professor, Pardis, Islamic Azad University, Pardis, Iran.
Keywords: Paradigm, Form, contemporary architecture, Form Components,
Abstract :
Nowadays, the position of form in architecture is much more criticized due to a plurality of votes in the regard. The position of form in architecture with different definitions in different eras is the result of the ways of thought and worldview dominating on that intellectual period in which architectural form as the outermost layer is always one of its manifestations. What to be addressed here, is the trend of contemporary intellectual currents influencing the architectural form to be crystallized in particular forms in different periods. According to mentioned notes, in this paper, with the use of text content analysis, it is attempted to analyze the architectural paradigms mainly after the Industrial Revolution in Europe and then to criticize its impact on form in respect to its architectural theories. Finally, the highlighted form features in each period are categorized and specified. Architectural changes over time demonstrate differences in working of creators’ thought, somehow influencing or being influenced by the dominant paradigms of that period. Changes that are increased according to today’s pluralistic world so that we shortly observe, major changes which might be unavoidable in all aspects of society and in the architecture of that time. Form in architecture in respect to its special features in communicating with the surroundings has always undergone fundamental changes considered much at a time, becoming a sort of thinking language and later becoming a cover in displaying totality of architecture. In general, form can be observed as the result of objective ideas affected by a series of factors requiring different senses in any style. Form as one of the most influential indicators shaping architecture framework reflects the worldview defining the dominant thought in that period. It is obvious that there is a close relationship between form and paradigm. Architectural form is always shaped and becomes meaningful under the influence of its dominant paradigm. In addition, other factors such as human mind and imagination also create a wide range of arenas in architecture and art with the aid of technology that each requires a body architecture inspired by the spirit of its time. Form along with the texture, shape and color is among the indicators that influence the definition of body architecture, which has always been much discussed as far as the form-oriented architecture and performance-oriented architecture are among the common concepts in contemporary architecture, considered as a challenge among architects. The Performance-oriented architecture that was founded with the emergence of modern architecture with regarded efficiency and performance as a principle in architecture and offer a new definition of form in architecture that was simplicity and removing the ornaments. The Form-oriented view that was based on the principle of putting form over architecture was mainly promoted by thinkers such as Aldo Rossi, emphasizing form and form complexities as the abstract language of architecture. Generally we observe forming combined views considering the importance of both views in architecture. Emphasis on the concept of form beauties is meaningful along with the proper performance.
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