The philosophical Foundation of Performance Appraisal from the Islamic Management Perspective
Subject Areas : Futurology
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2 - ندارد
Abstract :
Informing individuals about their performance and helping them to improve is a process which begins in early childhood. Initially, parents and significant children quickly learn that performing appropriate behaviors will either result in a reward or avert a negative consequence. Similarly, inappropriate behaviors are likely to result in punishment. Upon entering school, individuals are exposed to their first formalized evaluation system-tests and report cards. From this point on, teachers, coachers, peers and eventually supervisors provide individuals with a continual stream of feedback about their performance. The process of providing information to individuals concerning their work performance is referred to as performance appraisal. One of the most important aspect of management is appraising. The importance of evaluation from the Islamic management perspective, is the unique. In the Islamic religion, belivers to God, have persuade to constructive and efficient appraisal. In this article the philosophical aspects of performance appraisal from the Islamic perspective have demonstrated