Presenting a Model for Contributing Factors to Fin Tech Implementation in the Banking System of a Country Using a Blended Approach
Subject Areas : • Emerging technology in the field of Accounting and its future
Farideh Mohammadi
Roya Darabi
Hossein Badiei
1 - Ph.D Student, Department of Finance, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Financial Startups, Fin Tech, Implementation, Banking System, Blended, Theme, Validation,
Abstract :
Objectives: This paper aims to identify and present a model for the contributing factors to FinTech implementation in the country's banking system using a blended approach. Design/methodology/approach: The scholar initially analyzed 30 specialists in the banking system in various stages in the qualitative section using a mixed approach. Secondly, in the quantitative section, the efficacy of variables was evaluated by distributing a questionnaire among 267 employees of Bank Refah Kargaran. This was conducted using Smart PLS Software and a structural equation approach. Results: The results indicate that factors such as "economic governance of the state," "culture building and training," "structural preparation," "banking system transparency," and "facilities and incentives" can impact the implementation of FinTech in the banking system. Additionally, quantitative analysis in the next phase demonstrates that all research constructs, presented as five hypotheses, play a direct role in influencing FinTech implementation in the financial system. Originality/value: As traditional banking around the world is transitioning into digital evolution, this paper focuses on one of the significant events in digital banking: FinTech. Despite the importance of FinTech, there have been few studies on its implementation.
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