From Novels to Films: Inter-Semiotic Translation of Pride and Prejudice
Subject Areas :Mona Hosseinvand Sedghi 1 , Vida Rahiminezhad 2
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Keywords: Adaptation, film, inter-semiotic, novel,
Abstract :
The aim of this mixed-method study was to find out the changes occurring in the translation of novels to film and identify the most frequently used strategies. For this purpose, through a close reading of each part of the novel, Austen’s pride and prejudice, and comparing it with the text of the adapted American film directed by Wright, the needed data were collected and statistical-ly analyzed. Specifically, 13 scenes lasting from one minute to one minute and thirty seconds were analyzed. Each scene was subdivided into shots, and then into the signs by which the filmmaker had transformed the literary work into film. Two theoretical approaches including the layered semiotics of Sojoodi and the theory of Farahzad were used to compare the signs. The obtained results indicated that in rendering Pride and Prejudice to its adapted film, the percent-ages of used strategies were as follows: creation (%53.06), omission (%28.57), and repetition (% 18.36).
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