Investigating the relationship between emotional intelligence, perfectionism and mental health of undergraduate students
Subject Areas : general Psychology
1 - (Corresponding author), Master of General Psychology, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran,, tell: 09126599949
Keywords: emotional intelligence, perfectionism, mental health, students,
Abstract :
Abstract Introduction: Students of any country are considered as the intellectual and spiritual assets of that country, and therefore examining the specific issues of students and ensuring their physical and mental health is one of the most important goals of educational planners. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and perfectionism and mental health of undergraduate students. Research method: 240 students (140 girls and 100 boys) were selected from among the students who were studying in the academic year 1402-1401 using stratified random sampling method. The research tools included three questionnaires of emotional intelligence, perfectionism and mental health, which were distributed among the sample and the necessary information was collected and analyzed. In the inferential statistics section, Pearson's correlation coefficient, multivariate regression analysis, multivariate variance analysis and independent t-test were used. Findings: The findings showed that there is a positive relationship between the emotional intelligence dimension of general mood and mental health. No relationship was found between dimensions of perfectionism and mental health. There is a negative relationship between all dimensions of emotional intelligence and all dimensions of perfectionism. Emotional intelligence predicts 2% of the variance of mental health. Also, no difference was found between boys and girls in terms of emotional intelligence, perfectionism and mental health. Conclusion: Therefore, it is suggested to create conditions for the education of students to improve their self-awareness while familiarizing themselves with the principles of increasing mental health and coping with anxiety and stress.
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