Predicting emotional-divorce based on family communication patterns and self-differentiation with the mediation role of primary maladaptive schema of women in Karaj region
Subject Areas : Psychology of couplesAzadeh Askari 1 , Masoomeh Ghasemifard 2
1 - - (Corresponding author), Assistant Professor, Counseling Department, Department of Literature, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran. Tell: 09128632312
2 - Master's degree, Consulting Department, Department of Literature, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.
Keywords: emotional divorce, family communication patterns, self-differentiation and primary maladaptive schema.,
Abstract :
Introduction: Emotional divorce is considered a serious threat to marital relations that destroys the foundation of the family over time. For this reason, it is very important to examine the harms and solutions to prevent the emergence of emotional divorce. The aim of this research was to predict emotional divorce based on family relational patterns and self-differentiation with the mediating role of the primary maladaptive schema of women in Karaj region. Research method: The method of this research was a correlational description that predicted emotional divorce based on family relational patterns and self-differentiation with the mediating role of primary maladaptive schemas of women in Karaj region. The statistical population of this research is made up of married women referring to the counseling center of Karaj region. A staged cluster sampling method was used. The sample size was selected using Cochran's formula of 200 people, and 220 people were selected with the probability of dropping out. SPSS26 software was used for data analysis. In order to investigate the relationship between research variables, the Pearson correlation method was used, and in order to investigate the relationship, the hierarchical multiple regression method was used. Findings: The coefficient of the indirect path between the communication pattern of conversation and emotional divorce (p < 0.01, β = -0.161) is negative and the coefficient of the indirect path between the communication pattern of conformity and emotional divorce (p < 0.01, β=0.142) is positive and significant. Also, the indirect path coefficient between self-differentiation and emotional divorce (p<0.01, β=0.103) is negative and significant. Conclusion: The results showed that family relational patterns and self-differentiation both directly and through the mediation of primary incompatible schemas predict emotional divorce in women. The variables of family communication patterns, self-differentiation, initial maladaptive schema predict well emotional divorce in spouses; Therefore, through increasing the skills of couples in providing marital satisfaction for each other and teaching them psychological capital, constructive conflict resolution can be increased in them.
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