Analysis of Antagonism in the Discourse of Epic Language and its Role in National solidarity (A Case Study of Banu-Goshasb Nameh)
Subject Areas : epic
ali sadeghimanesh
Abolghasem Rahimi
Hasti Ghaderi Sohi
1 - Visiting member of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Torbat Heydarieh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Torbat Heydarieh, Iran and Assistant Professor of Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Ḥakim Sabzivari University, Sabzevar, Iran
3 - Postdoctoral Fellowship in Persian Language and Literature, Ḥakim Sabzivari University, Sabzivar, Iran
Keywords: Epic, discourse, Antagonism, National identity, Banu-Goshasb Nameh.,
Abstract :
Epics rely and emphasize on the language, history, cultural background and geographical boundaries of a nation; For this reason, more than other literary genres, they are related to national identity and national solidarity. By using language in a special way, the epic creates a kind of identity and hegemonic agreement. The epic poet in epic language, relying on Antagonism, takes advantage of a dynamic discourse and in this way creates his desired political-social superiority. In this article, the authors investigate Banu-Goshasb Nameh employing analytical-descriptive approach. In this research, the examples of the logic of equivalence and the logic of difference in this epic work are presented; categories that ultimately create Antagonism. It is concluded that the result of this antagonism is the emphasis on cultural borders and Iranian identity. The recognition and understanding of this concept are necessary in the period of cultural and political opposition of powers to enliven the national identity and to pave the way towards the welfare of a nation.
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