Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Fermented Wheat Bran on Performance, Immunity, Meat Quality, and Tibia Bone Characteristics in Two Strains of Broiler Chicken
Subject Areas : CamelF. Samadian 1 , M.A. Karimi Torshizi 2 , A. Eivakpou 3
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Keywords: aspergillus, broilers, immunity, meat quality, solid-state fermentation,
Abstract :
The objective was to determine the effects of partial or whole replacement of wheat bran in the basal diet by the fermented wheat bran (FWB) on performance, immunity, meat quality, and tibia bone characteristics in two strains of broiler chickens. This experiment had a 2 × 4 factorial design with four levels of FWB, [0, 0.05, 0.10, and 0.15 % diet] that replaced autoclaved wheat bran in a basal diet and two broiler strains (Ar-ian and Ross 308) with six replicate cages of six female chicks each. The low (0.05%) and medium (0.10%) levels of dietary treatment significantly increased the total body weight gain (BWG) of the birds compared to the controls (P˂0.05). The whole wheat bran replacement by FWB (0.15% dray matter (DM) basis), sig-nificantly increased thigh meat cook loss in both broiler strains (P˂0.05). The high level of FWB substitu-tion also increased bursa and spleen relative weight in Arian broilers compared to the corresponding control group. However, Newcastle vaccine-induced titer of Arian broilers fed a 0.15% FWB diet was lower com-pared to the Control-Arian group. The supplementation of 0.15% FWB also indicated better results in terms of tibia bone weight and breaking strength compared to the groups that received 0.05% of the prepared FWB, but the effect of the treatments on the chemical composition of the tibial bone was different depend-ing on the broiler strain. It was concluded that FWB could be utilized at 0.05% in broiler diet when carcass yield and immunity were considered.
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