Talab in Persian Mystic Poetry (Sanai,Molana,Saadi,Iraqi,Hafez
Subject Areas : Islamic Mysticismbehzad bahmani 1 , malahat najafi 2 , javad kabootari 3
1 - Associate Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University.
2 - Director of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Organization of Educational Research and Planning - Faculty member of Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran. * Corresponding Author: m_najafi55a@yahoo.com
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language & Literature, Dehdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehdasht, Iran.
Keywords: Talab, mystic poetry, Sanai, Molana, Saadi, Iraqi, Hafez.,
Abstract :
Talab as the first stage of the process and the first basic element in Islamic mysticism to achieve the right and desired mysticism in the poetry of mystic poets and mystics of the profession has appeared in different ways and forms since the first days when mysticism entered Persian literature. Sana'i, the flagship of mystical literature, has used it in his Masnavis, poems and sonnets and has called the seekers to it. Although Talab has been interpreted, explained and recommended among mystics who are not poets, but the first poet who categorized the valleys of Seluk is Attar Nishaburi. He divides the steps of Saluk into seven valleys in Logic-Al-Tayr, and calls the first of them Targat. After Sana'i and Attar, Maulana expanded and expanded this divine duty in his Masnavi and other works, and considers it a pain and hunger that is constantly present in the seeker's heart and helps him to reach the knowledge and nearness of God. Saadi is also one of those poets who shows pain seeking in all his works, and in his sonnets, you can see different manifestations of this mystical virtue. He does not consider the demand without the grace of the right to be fruitful. In the whole diwan of Fakhr al-Din al-Iraqi, there is a wave of enthusiasm, and there are hardly any sonnets in his diwan that do not contain enthusiasm In this regard, Hafez Shirazi also followed the path of mystics and, like the great mystics, called himself and others to seek and believes that one should never stop seeking. He has a mixture of Attar's and Rumi's thoughts and considers Wadi Talab to be a very dangerous valley, at the same time, he enthusiastically walks towards his friend.
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قرآن کریم
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