Evaluation of Grammar-focused Courses in Iran’s B.A. TEFL Program: A Gap Analysis of Knowledge and Skills Needed and Delivered
Subject Areas : Research in English Language PedagogyReza Rezvani 1 , Alihossein Kohpeima 2
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Keywords: Fit-Gap Analysis, Grammar-focused Courses, Curriculum Evaluation, Underpreparation, Overpreparation,
Abstract :
This study highlights the essential need for curriculum evaluation in English language education, particularly in grammar-oriented courses. In the context of Iran's B.A. Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) program, this evaluation aims to examine the alignment between academic offerings and the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required for future employment. More specifically, this fit-gap study seeks to identify discrepancies between the content delivered and students' perceptions of what is essential for their professional preparedness. The study focuses on three specific courses: “Grammar and Writing (1),” “Grammar and Writing (2),” and “Advanced Grammar and Writing,” gathering insights from students who have successfully completed all these courses. A semantic differential scale was developed and administered to 120 senior students across three state universities. Subsequent inferential analysis utilizing t-tests assessed the levels of underpreparation and overpreparation in the grammar knowledge and skills addressed by these courses. Findings reveal that TEFL students generally considered themselves overprepared in “Grammar and Writing (1),” found a balance between their needs and the content delivered in “Grammar and Writing (2),” and deemed themselves underprepared in “Advanced Grammar and Writing.” These results underscore the necessity for a thorough evaluation and potential revision of grammar-focused courses to better meet students’ communicative needs, particularly regarding communicative grammar. The implications of this study are significant for curriculum design, ensuring alignment between educational programs and students’ practical language learning requirements. These findings are also relevant for policymakers in EFL education, curriculum developers, materials writers, and educators.
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