Jurisprudence and legal investigation of the criminal liability of Internet service providers
Subject Areas : All jurisprudential issues
Azadeh Arabzadeh
Salameh Abolhasani
Seyyed Bassem Mavalizadeh
amir alboali
1 - 1. دانشجوی دکتری، گروه حقوق جزا و جرم شناسی، پردیس علوم و تحقیقات خوزستان، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اهواز، ایران./ 2. دانشجوی دکتری، گروه حقوق جزا و جرم شناسی، واحد اهواز، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، اهواز، ایران.
2 -
3 - Assistant Professor, 1- Department of Law, Khuzestan Science and Research Branch, IslamicAzad University, Ahvaz, Iran.2- Department of Law, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
4 - azad eslamic
Keywords: Criminal liability, internet services, jurisprudence and law,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to investigate the criminal liability of Internet service providers. The Internet, like other phenomena and new scientific and technical tools, has created new dangerous situations for people at all levels of society, despite its many advantages and benefits. Internet phenomenon has affected the occurrence of crimes in two ways in terms of its unique features. First, it has made it possible to commit new anti-social behaviors that were not possible before the emergence of information technology, and secondly, it has made it easier to commit conventional criminal behaviors and greatly reduced the cost of committing them. Considering the role of Internet service providers in providing tools and facilitating the occurrence of Internet crimes, the legal systems of many countries, for those Internet service providers who knowingly facilitate the occurrence of Internet crimes and do not prevent the occurrence of crimes despite their ability , they have considered criminal responsibility and under certain conditions they can be prosecuted and punished. It is on this basis that the Iranian legislator has emphasized the criminal responsibility of legal entities in the law of computer crimes and for the first time in Iran's law, the criminal responsibility of these persons has been explicitly considered. has a lot, many questions may be raised regarding the scope of responsibility of people in the virtual environment, the Iranian legislator has made the sixth chapter of the law of computer crimes to the subject of responsibility has assigned a criminal offense and the change brought about by the aforementioned law is the identification and creation of criminal liability for legal entities in the virtual environment.
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