Designing the Brand Identity Model of Citizen Sport in Iran
Subject Areas :
Ehsan hassannezhad Shandiz
Mohammad Reza Esmaeilzadeh Ghandehari
Seyyed morteza Azim zadeh
1 - PHD Student in Sport Management, Department of Physical Education And Sport Science, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.
2 - physical education department, Mashhad branch, Islamic Azad university, mashhad,Iran
3 - Assistant Professor in Sport Management, Department of Sport Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Keywords: Citizen Sports, Brand Identity, Iran,
Abstract :
Today, the concept of brand has become much more popular than its original origin and is no longer exclusive to services, goods and even companies, but a new phenomenon called personal branding has appeared. A developed personal brand brings many material and spiritual benefits for professional athletes, therefore it is necessary to identify the factors affecting the identity of citizen sports in Iran. The purpose of this research is to use the foundation's data theory approach to design a conceptual model of the citizen sports brand in Iran. Based on the objectives of the research, the current research was of an exploratory type, the method of conducting it was descriptive-analytical, and the method of data collection was library-field. This research is a mixed type of research and was conducted using the method of foundational data theory and structural equation model. Semi-structured interviews were used as a data collection tool and sampling was done using the snowball sampling method until the saturation limit, and a total of 20 people participated in the interview. Based on the findings, after performing three stages of open coding, selective coding and theoretical coding, the elements influencing the brand identity of citizen sports were identified. In the following, using the structural equation model, the brand identity model of citizen sport was identified. The findings showed that the components of citizenship sports include the configuration of citizenship sports, the character of citizenship sports, cultural dimensions, brand relationship, reflection, and self-concept. Also, the research model has a significant fit in the existing and desirable part. The total brand identity of citizen sports can have major effects on the development of individual and social factors in citizens and urban society, which can be extended to other fields outside of sports, and the concepts of citizen sports follow the development of active citizenship.
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