The Model for the Transition of Successful Schools to Sustainable Schools
Subject Areas : Education
Zohreh Shakibaei
Ghasem Shoormig
Fariman Ebrahimzadeh
1 - Department of Educational Management, tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, tonekabon, Iran.
2 - PhD Student, Department of Educational Sciences, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran.
3 - Department of Educational Management, shirvan Branch. Islamic Azad University, Shirvan, Iran
Keywords: Successful Schools, Sustainable Schools, Transition to Sustainable Schools,
Abstract :
Introduction: Education and Training is considered as one of the most important factors for the progress of every society; developed communities have proved to possess a progressive and advanced educational system. Establishing successful and qualified schools which survive with the passage of time and turn into experienced and permanent schools is the ultimate purp
ose of all educational systems. Permanent schools are the product of a collection of internal and external parameters in school and quality in schools necessitates team work and coordinating all internal parameters in school system. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to identify the components and indicators of transmitting from successful schools to permanent one and to provide a qualitative pattern.
Research Methodology: The present research is practical in terms of purpose and could be considered a mixed research in method. First, the components and indicators of transmitting from successful schools permanent ones were extracted by theoretical foundation, 13 components and 132 indicators were consensed by the experts by Delphi method. The statistical population of the research includes the teachers and principals of permanent and successful schools the managers and the researches in the field of education; the data was collected by researcher-made questionnaire from 386 questions as the statistics sample. Structural equation modeling (PLS method) has been used for the analysis of the data
Findings: The thirteen effective components in the transition pattern of successful schools to permanent schools are listed respectively; the educational basics and methods with the path coefficient of (0.118). the culture and society (0.111), the managerial characteristics (0.105), the architecture and building and technology with the path coefficient of 0.102), the educational contents (0.66), teachers’ characteristic (0.093), the methods of permanent schools and government (0.089), the goals of permanent schools (0.082), human relations and cooperation (0.071), the family (0.066), the students’ characteristics (0.063), and the components of organization and management (0.055).
Conclusion: The results of the research show that the component of educational principles and methods has the greatest impact on the model of transition from successful schools to sustainable schools; Culture and society are second in importance; The component of the manager's characteristics is the third influential component, and the architecture, building and equipment component is the fourth component influencing the transition of successful schools to sustainable schools.
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