Comparison of Professional ethics injuries among faculty members of public and Islamic Azad universities
Subject Areas : Educationfarahnaz mashayekh 1 , fariba karimi 2 , badri shahtalebi 3
1 - educational management. educational science. esfahan university (khorasgan). esfahan.iran
2 - Associate professor, Department of Educational Sciences & psychology, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University. isfahan.iran.
3 - Associate professor, Department of Educational Sciences & psychology, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University. isfahan.iran.
Keywords: individual factors, organizational factors, professional ethics injuries, faculty members of free and state university, super-organizational factor,
Abstract :
The present paper aim was to compare of professional ethics injuries in the faculty members of public and free Iranian universities .The study was done quantitatively and using descriptive– comparative method. In order to collect data from the questionnaire researcher -made were used by professional ethics questionnaire of 119 dimensions. which had three dimensions: individual, organizational and super organizational. Validity of questionnaire was approved by formal validity and comment by experts in the field of training management and the reliability of the questionnaire was obtained using Cronbach's alpha 0/84. The statistical population consisted of all faculty members of government universities and all university units throughout Iran which were selected as samples through multi-stage cluster sampling. The data obtained in this study were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics using SPSS software 21. The results that there is a significant difference between the free and public university in the field of individual factors in all dimensions and in the field of organizational factors in all dimensions except the management and leadership factor and the organization culture factor. the results showed that there is a significant difference between the free and public university in the field of super organizational in all dimensions except for policy.
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