Provide a model to improve the efficiency of human resource training in Islamic Azad University
Subject Areas :
کیومرث Alipour
M. N Imani Galah Prdsry
رشید Zolfaghari Zafarani
1 - Director of Professional and Free Professional Education in the Central Organization of Islamic Azad University
2 - Faculty member
3 - Faculty member
Received: 2017-08-09
Accepted : 2019-10-21
Published : 2019-08-23
Keywords: Education,
Effectiveness and Productivity,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to provide a model for promoting human resource productivity education in Islamic Azad University. In terms of purpose, it is an applied research method (qualitative and quantitative) of exploratory type. The statistical population of this research consists of 6585 employees of all Islamic Azad University units of Tehran province. Using cluster random sampling method, using the Cochran model's estimation formula, 373 people were selected and in the qualitative section 15 opinions were used. Finally, the questionnaire's research tool was compiled in 9 questions and based on the contents of exploratory interviews Data is collected step by step. And in the section of 80 questions in the Likert spectrum, a researcher constructed in three educational, behavioral and policy dimensions. The validity of the questionnaire was approved by the experts and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to calculate the reliability of the questionnaire. To analyze the data in the qualitative section, the theoretical coding method is used. To analyze the quantitative data in this study, a confirmatory factor analysis was used to determine the validity of the tool and the path analysis and structural equation model for the model test. The results of the research show that the findings in the educational, policy and behavioral dimension affect the efficiency of education process in the University of Azad University. Therefore, considering the effect of these dimensions, a new model has been proposed on the efficiency of human resource education in Islamic Azad University.
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