The Impact of Urban Infrastructure Principles on Improving Citizens' Satisfaction (Case Study: Andisheh and Parand)
Subject Areas :
Parvaneh Mozhgani
Laala Jahanshahlou
farhad Hosseinzadehlotfi
azita rajabi
1 - .D. Student in Urban Design ,Islamic Azad University U.A.E Branch , Dubai ,Arab Emirates.
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - Prof., of Applied Mathematics Department of Mathematics, Science and Research Branch , Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - assistant professor of geography , islamic azad university , central branch
Keywords: New cities, Citizen Satisfaction, Urban infrastructure, Andisheh, Parand,
Abstract :
The expansion of urbanization and the concentration of facilities in metropolitan areas have forced people to live in these cities. However, this increase in population has led to insecurity, unemployment, air pollution, and environmental issues. New cities have been established to solve these problems and to organize the overpopulation. Examining the urban infrastructure of new cities leads to extracting their strengths and weaknesses. More accurate planning should be formed to attract the population and the coefficient of survival in these cities should be higher. Accordingly, in this study, two new cities, Andisheh and Parand, have been studied to measure the level of citizens' satisfaction with urban infrastructure. Explanation of criteria and indicators was extracted through a review of international articles and the level of satisfaction was assessed through a questionnaire (381 items) in each city and field survey. The research method is descriptive-analytical and to examine the indicators, t-test, factor analysis model, and linear regression in Amos software have been statistically analyzed. First, the significance of the indicators was examined and then the factor analysis method was performed and a load of each factor was extracted. Using the linear regression method, the indicators were prioritized in the studied areas. The results show that the level of citizens 'satisfaction with the index andsub-indices of the ecosystem and urban and technical-thematic landscape and inthe city of Andisheh, the index and sub-indices of justice and equality and ecosystem and urban landscape have a higher impact on citizens' satisfaction than other factors. On the other hand, financial-economic, technical-thematic factors, and human development in the new city of Andisheh have the lowest, and access and spatial and institutional formation in the new city of Parand has the lowest level of satisfaction among people. Extended Abstract Introduction A comprehensive theoretical framework can help planners and managers deal with urban problems. On the other hand, looking at the physical dimensions of urban infrastructure shows that the soft dimension of urban infrastructure has been neglected. Therefore, the present article focuses on providing a comprehensive framework of urban infrastructure to take a comprehensive approach to the urban infrastructure for new cities, by considering its various dimensions. The present study has two aims: 1- present a comprehensive theoretical framework of urban infrastructure 2- Examining the level of citizens' satisfaction with the state of urban infrastructure in the new cities of Andisheh and Parand. Methodology The purpose is to investigate the residents' level of satisfaction of the two new cities of Parand and Andisheh as indicators of urban infrastructure. In order the level of citizens 'satisfaction, which of the components of urban infrastructure is more relevant and which component in urban infrastructure has a greater impact on residents' satisfaction and can determine the preference for housing in terms of infrastructure, the Factor analysis, and classification of criteria according to the output of the questionnaires was used. Using multivariate linear regression and considering citizens' satisfaction as a dependent variable, the criteria, and indicators obtained from the theoretical framework as independent variables are measured to measure their relationships. First, the questionnaire data is entered into the Amos software, then the variables are extracted using the factor analysis method. There are several fitness indicators to evaluate the fit of the structural equation model. Results and discussion The purpose of this article is to investigate the level of satisfaction of residents of the two new cities of Andisheh and Parand with urban infrastructure indicators. In order to obtain the level of satisfaction of citizens, which one of the components of urban infrastructure is more related, and which component of urban infrastructure has a greater impact on the satisfaction of residents, and can determine the level of preference for residence in terms of infrastructure. Conclusion According to the surveys, in the two new cities of Andisheh and Parand, the criterion of ecosystem and urban landscape is at the highest level of citizens' satisfaction, which should be maintained and improved. On the other hand, in order to increase the level of satisfaction of the residents, the weak points should be given more importance than the strong points. In the new city of Andisheh, the factors of financial-economic, technical-thematic and human development, and in the new city of Parand, the factor of accessibility and spatial and institutional formation is at the lowest level of satisfaction, which requires more attention at different levels of management and planning. The present study explained a comprehensive theoretical framework in the field of identifying urban infrastructure in the new city.