Determining the type of relationship between runoff production and soil physical properties
Subject Areas :
Article frome a thesis
Hamzeh Saeediyan
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research, Kerman Research, Education and Extension Organization, Kerman, Iran
Received: 2021-09-08
Accepted : 2024-02-05
Published : 2024-01-21
Kuhe Gach,
Runoff production,
Abstract :
Introduction: Soil is an important and effective factor in the emergence and formation of any natural ecosystem and the physical properties of the soil are of considerable importance in determining the characteristics and use of soil. Soil physical properties as part of soil variables have significant effects on runoff production in different watersheds.
Methods: In this study, in order to determine the type of relationship between runoff production and physical properties of soil in different land uses of Gachsaran Formation deposits, a part of Kuhe Gach watershed of the Izeh city with an area of 1202 hectares was selected. Then, sampling of runoff production at 6 points with 3 replicates and at different rainfall intensities of 45, 60 and 70 mm/hour in three land uses of the range, residential area and agricultural lands with the help of the rain simulator was done. And the same number of runoff sampling, sampling of physical properties of soil such as clay, silt, sand, very fine sand and moisture content was performed. In this study, the relationship between production runoff and soil physical properties in different uses of Gachsaran Formation was determined using univariate regression. SPSS and EXCEL software were used for statistical analysis.
Findings: The results showed that in total, in Gachsaran Formation and in all three range, agricultural and residential land uses and in all three intensities of 45, 60 and 75 mm/hour, very fine sand and moisture were showed the highest of negative relationship with runoff production and silt was showed the highest of positive relationship with runoff production.
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