Structural model of family factors with mediating role of individual factors for students' academic behaviors
Subject Areas : Tectonostratigraphy
siamak Samani
Nadereh Sohrabi
Amir Houshang Mehryar
1 - psychology-Educational Psychology-College of Educational Sciences
2 - Department of Psychology-Islamic Azad University Shiraz branch
3 - Islamic Azad University Marvdasht Branch
4 - Islamic Azad University Marvdasht Branch
Keywords: family factors, Keywords: academic behaviors, self-efficacy and self-regulation,
Abstract :
Structural model of family factors with mediating role of individual factors for students' academic behaviors
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between family factors and student's academic behaviors, taking into account the mediating role of individual variables (self-efficacy and self-regulation). The research method used to study the goals and hypotheses of the research was structural equation modeling. The community of this research was all high school students in Shiraz who were studying at a high school in Shiraz during the academic year 1396-1393. 581 respondents answered to school attitudes, school climate, perception of parental relationships, self-regulation, self-efficacy, and motivation for academic achievement.
Data analysis using structural equation modeling in AMOS software confirmed the mediating role of self-efficacy and self-regulating in the relationship between family factors and academic behaviors and the research model has acceptable fit with data. In sum, the individual characteristics of students can mediate the effect of family factors on academic behaviors.
Keywords: motivation, family factors, self-efficacy, self-regulation, and academic behaviors.
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