Structural-interpretive Modeling and Sustainable Tourism Development, a Case Study of Al-Muthana Province in Iraq
Subject Areas :
Fawad Ali Abdullah
alireza jamshidi
1 - Master's degree of geography and land use planning, Department of Geography, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
Keywords: tourism, sustainable development, structural-interpretive model, Al-Muthana province, Iraq,
Abstract :
This study aimed to investigate the key factors influencing the development of tourism in Al Muthanna Province based on sustainable development principles. The research is framed within the context of survey research. The statistical population included the experts, managers, and specialists in the urban tourism sector working in Al Muthanna Province, Iraq. A purposive sampling method was used to select 20 participants for the study. It is important to note that the content validity ratio (CVR) method was used to assess the validity of the ISM questionnaire. The results of the ISM model analysis revealed that factors such as improving the transportation system and communication infrastructure, developing amenities, enhancing the quality of services and infrastructure, and increasing social security are key dependent or influencing variables. These factors are themselves influenced by many other factors and have limited capacity to serve as the foundation for other variables. Variables such as investing in the development and modernization of information technology infrastructure, removing cultural and religious restrictions for foreign tourists, and creating leisure and entertainment centers are among the linked variables that possess high influence and power. The factors of international presence through advertising, attracting foreign investment for tourism development, and formulating short-term, medium-term, and long-term plans to increase public security are key independent variables with high influence but lower dependence.
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