The Effect of Computer-Assisted Autonomous Language Learning (CAALL) on Iranian EFL Learners’ Self-Efficacy and Reading Skill Development
Subject Areas : آموزش زبان انگلیسی
Mohammad Taghi Farvardin
Mohammad Javad Tandiseh
Seyed Foad Ebrahimi
1 - Department of English, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Department of English, Boushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Boushehr, Iran
3 - Department of English, Shadegan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shadegan, Iran
Keywords: Autonomous Learning, Learners’ Autonomy, CALL, CAALL, Self-Efficacy, Reading Skill Development.,
Abstract :
This study investigated the effect of CAALL on Iranian EFL learners’ self-efficacy and reading skill development. A convenience sampling was run for the selection of the participants. A sample of 220 advanced EFL learners from four private English language institutes in Iran, participated in this study. Three instruments were used including quick placement test, self-efficacy questionnaire, and reading test. The learners’ self-efficacy questionnaire and reading test were administered to all the participants. CAAL practice was implemented by autonomous and non-autonomous teachers separately for 110 participants (an experimental group and a control group). The experimental group members received CAALL in virtual mode. They were trained by two teachers on how to be autonomous in their reading performance. For the control group members, the reading practice was executed virtually. But they did not receive the practice of CAALL. They have followed the conventional teaching of reading. The practice was presented through WhatsApp Messenger. The treatment of the study was followed for 16 ninety-minute sessions. After the instructional phase, learners’ self-efficacy questionnaire and reading test were administered to all the participants again. This study has some pedagogical contributions for EFL teachers, learners, Language teaching syllabus designers, and language teaching curriculum developers.
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