A Survey on the Impact of Human Resource Retention Policies on Job Satisfaction with the Mediating Role of Political Behavior Skills: A Case Study of Pasargad Oil Company
Subject Areas : governmental managementMohammad Mohammadi 1 , Mahjubeh Saeedi 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Ph.D. Department of Public Administration, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: human resources retention policies, job satisfaction, political skills,
Abstract :
Lack of motivation, inefficiency, job changes and as a result low employee productivity are among the most important issues that most human resource managers face and the final result of ignoring them is the formation of job dissatisfaction at different levels and dimensions. The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of human resource retention policies on job satisfaction considering the mediating role of political skills among the headquarters staff of Pasargad Oil Company in Tehran. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive survey in terms of execution method. The statistical population is 300 people, and the statistical sample, based on Cochran's formula, was 169 people, who were selected through simple random sampling procedure. The data collection instruments of the study include the standard questionnaires of Minnesota job satisfaction, political behavior by Fariz et al., and the researcher-made questionnaire of human resources retention policy. Structural equation and PLS software were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the dimensions of individual factors, organizational factors and environmental factors of human resources retention policies have an effect on the job satisfaction of employees. Political skills of employees are also effective on their job satisfaction.
Key Words:
human resources retention policies, job satisfaction, political skills
- Introduction
Human resource retention policies and providing feedback on the effects of political behavior of employees improve their job satisfaction, which in turn, leads to an increase in organizational performance. Human resource retention models in different organizations, like all things that can be studied in the field of behaviorism, are somewhat complicated and not without problems. There are different employee retention policies that can be used in different organizations. The success of organizations and oil companies, like any other organization, depends on the job satisfaction of the people working in it. Technical staff and experienced managers in this organization play a significant role in the optimal implementation of production and production of desired products due to the complexities of the oil industry. In general, the impact of human resource retention policies on job satisfaction and political behavior skills of employees is considered as one of the sustainability criteria of organizations. Therefore, the importance of impact studies in the field of human resources retention policies has always been considered. Hence, the aim of this research is to examine the impact of human resource retention policies on job satisfaction with regard to the mediating role of political behavior skills. Based on this, the following research questions were raised:
- Does the dimension of individual factors of human resources retention policies have an effect on the mediating role of employees' political skills?
- Does the dimension of organizational factors of human resources retention policies have an effect on the mediating role of employees' political skills?
- Does the dimension of environmental factors of human resources retention policies have an effect on the mediating role of employees' political skills?
- Do political skills of employees affect their job satisfaction?
- Literature Review
In a research, Monica and Setati (2022) studied the effect of organizational policy behavior on job satisfaction. They state that organizational politics can have a significant impact on job satisfaction. A negative organizational variable, changes the organizational policy of the environment, culture and organizational behavior. The purpose of this study, which was to investigate how organizational policy affects motivational and health factors in relation to job satisfaction, Monica and Setati found that organizational policy has an inverse relationship with job satisfaction. Also, in a study on the effect of organizational policy on job satisfaction with the mediation and moderation of political skills, Jobid et al. (2021) state that there is a significant effect of moderation and mediation of political skills on organizational policy and job satisfaction. The results of this research show several issues: First, organizational politics has a negative effect on job satisfaction. Second, organizational politics positively affects political skill. Third, political skill strengthens the relationship between organizational politics and job satisfaction and finally mediates and moderates the complete relationship between organizational politics and job satisfaction. According to the results of Robinson et al.'s (2019) research, in many cases, not only employees are responsible for routine work activities, but managers also can use political skills to influence their work attitudes, including job satisfaction; in other words, managers play an important role regarding the level of job satisfaction. Youssef et al. (2018) in the study of the relationship between political skill, job satisfaction and job turnover intention state that political skill plays an essential role in problem solving in organizations that have high levels of work politics. In addition, the research results of Meslin et al. (2017) indicate that organizational policy certainly affects the evaluation of attitude towards job satisfaction to the extent that political skill has a positive effect on job satisfaction and people with high political skill use more mechanisms and tools to achieve their goals.
3- Methodology
This research is considered to be descriptive in terms of its practical purpose and a survey in terms of data collection and the relationship between variables. The population of the respondents of this research is made up of the headquarters staff of Pasargad Oil Company located in Tehran, who were 300 people. Using Cochran's formula and simple random sampling method, 169 people have been were selected as a sample, so that the chance of selecting all members of the statistical population was equal. It should be noted that the tool for collecting information in this research was a questionnaire, based on which three questionnaires were used to evaluate the effect of human resource retention policies with the mediating role of employees' political skills on job satisfaction. Nineteen items related to the satisfaction variable were taken from the standard Minnesota questionnaire, 41 items related to the variable of human resource retention policy from the researcher-made questionnaire, and finally 18 items related to the variable of political skills from the standard questionnaire of Freeze et al. (2005). Since the criteria for measuring the concepts under investigation are qualitative, in order to make them quantitative, a five-point Likert spectrum was used, which starts from completely disagree to completely agree, and the scoring for each question was from one to five. In addition, convergent and divergent validity were used to verify the validity, and to determine the reliability of the questionnaire, two criteria of Cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability, were estimated. It should be noted that in order to test the research hypotheses and find the relationships between variables, structural equation testing and PLS software were used.
4- Result
The results show that the test probability statistic for the mediating role of employees' political skills in the impact of individual, organizational and environmental factors of human resource retention policies on employee job satisfaction is 5.684, 3.716 and 3.238, respectively, which is greater than the absolute value of 1.96, which shows that these values are significant and thus the hypotheses are confirmed with 99% certainty. Also, according to the output of the structural model in the form of standard coefficients, the standard coefficient for the mediating role of employees' political skills regarding the impact of individual, organizational and environmental factors of human resource retention policies on employee job satisfaction is equal to 0.188, 0.111 and 0.127, respectively, which are all positive. Therefore, the mediating role of employees' political skills regarding the impact of individual, organizational and environmental factors of human resource retention policies on employee job satisfaction is positive. Also, the findings of this research show the effect of employees' political skills on job satisfaction with the test probability statistic is 8.163.
5- Discussion
The management of retention and reduction of employee turnover and turnover within the accepted norms is one of the most challenging issues that organizations face. The high costs of recruitment and loss of productivity during the service, the possibility of reaching opportunities in the market due to the lack of efficiency with the organization, as well as the costs of the lost secrecy of the organization are also among the important issues regarding the productivity of organizations. Based on this, it is necessary to give employees the necessary freedom of action and provide them with the necessary conditions to express their opinions. In addition to the above-mentioned factors, the environmental aspect of human resource retention policies is also effective on the job satisfaction of employees, and it is necessary to provide employees with the tools for doing work for the purpose of improvement and development, and provide the necessary conditions for doing team work in the organizational environment. Finally, due to the effect of employees' political behavior skills on their job satisfaction, while providing more cooperative spirit among employees, the institutionalization of this culture in the organization should be supported more.
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