Designing a Financing Model for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Iran to Improve Productivity Management
Subject Areas : AccountingSheida Orafaye Jamshidi 1 , Farhad Rahbar 2 , Ahmad Shabani 3 , Karim Esgandari 4
1 - Ph.D. Candidate Department of Financial Economics, Ares International Campus, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - Prof., Department of Applied Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Economics, Imam Sadiq University (AS), Tehran, Iran,
4 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: financing, small and medium sized industries, productivity management,
Abstract :
Financing is one of the important issues that every industry faces in some way. Therefore, in order to maximize the wealth of shareholders, one of the decisions of the managers of small and medium sized industrial units is the decisions related to financing. Hence, the purpose of this research was to design a financing model for small and medium sized industries in Iran in order to improve productivity management. Since this research had a qualitative approach, the grounded theory method was used as a research method. The data was collected through in-depth and open interviews with 20 academic and industry experts, which was then coded and validated. The extracted codes included 411 concepts (open codes) and 20 main categories. Based on the systematic approach of foundational data theory, the identified codes were classified into six categories, including " central phenomenon, causal conditions, background conditions, intervening conditions, strategies and consequences". The results obtained from the interviews show that the central phenomenon of "financing" includes "drafting of financial plans during the financing process", "financial monitoring and evaluation during the financing process" and the categories of "development of operational activities", "developments of company's finances" and "company's environmental causes" as causal conditions have an effect on the categories of the central phenomenon. The foundational categories as necessary background conditions for the realization of financing in small and medium sized industries include: "financial accounting standards", "standardized financial statements", "company’s financial affairs management", "financing institutions", and "company's general management". Meanwhile, some categories act as interfering conditions in realizing financing in small and medium sized industries including: "macro environmental interventions", "internal company interventions" and "prerequisites for realizing financing" which are both background and intervention conditions. They can influence the presented strategies. These strategies include: "corporate discipline", "analysis and monitoring of the prevailing situation in the company", "actions and classification of matters for financing" and "using auxiliary levers" which are the necessary strategies in the implementation of financing in small and medium sized industries. If the central phenomenon is realized, the categories of "business excellence", organization of financial flows" and "economic development" can be expected as the resulting consequences.
Key Words:
financing, small and medium sized industries, productivity management
- Introduction
Small and medium-sized enterprises are a vital component of growth in the global economy (Golqandashti & Aghababai, 2018). However, they face various difficulties and bottlenecks (Shokoohi et al, 2021). Based on the literature review, one of the most significant challenges facing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is limited access to financial resources (Amir Khanlou, 2016) whereas industries cannot be isolated from their financial resources and funding systems (Lyu & Shi, 2018) as these are crucial for their growth (Esgandari & Pourmohsani Khamene, 2015). By meeting the financial needs of companies, the ground for their business growth can be provided (Erfanian Daneshvar et al, 2020). Based on the studies conducted, Prior research has predominantly focused on one aspect of the financing topic. However, there is a lack of research that comprehensively examines the phenomenon of financing in small and medium-sized enterprises and presents a comprehensive financing model for SMEs using a grounded theory approach. Hence, the present study aims to design a financing model for small and medium-sized industries in Iran in line with productivity management. Therefore, based on the paradigm model of the foundation data method, the present research seeks to fill the existing research gap in this field by answering the following research questions: What factors drive small and medium-sized enterprises towards financing? What platforms and environments can help guide small and medium-sized enterprises towards financing? What are the intervening factors that hinder the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises? What is the best and most strategic program for small and medium-sized enterprises to achieve successful financing? Ultimately, after successful financing, based on the presented strategies and the improvement of existing platforms and backgrounds, what are the results and consequences of financing small and medium-sized industries?
- Literature Review
Several studies have been conducted on the issue of financing in small and medium-sized enterprises, each addressing the topic of financing from different perspectives. Ughetto and Cowling (2019), examine the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from a regional and geographical perspective, focusing on the financial and investment challenges faced by SMEs in different regions. Pang and Yuejun (2022), and Eskandari et al (2023), in their research, investigated the internal and external factors affecting financing in small and medium-sized enterprises. On the other hand, Chi (2021), Golalizadeh et al (2022), Rostami et al (2022), Lu et al (2021), Motta (2020), Abdelrahman Elzahi (2022), Mohammadi et al (2020), Alizadeh (2022), and Vakili Moghadam (2022), in their studies, identified the challenges and limitations of financing industries. Kordkatooli et al (2020), Sojoodi and Jalili (2022), and Negahbani et al (2023), examined the financing components from an Islamic perspective. Shahrabi et al (2021), Saeed Meo et al (2022), Mueller and Sensini(2022), Gheisaranpour et al (2022), Zahiri-Hashemi et al (2021), and Amiri et al (2021), in their research, explored innovative financing instruments. Also, Gholipur and mozafari (2020), Sheikh et al (2022), Rouhani Rad (2022), Taghizadeh-Hesary and Yoshino (2020), Akomea-Frimpong et al (2020), Gilchrist et al (2021), Lee and Lee (2022), and Tohidi et al (2021), in their studies, examined the financing components of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from a green economy. Additionally, Tamizifar et al (2023), Lu et al (2020), and Owen et al (2023), in their research, identified solutions for improving access to finance for small and medium-sized industries. Daud et al (2022), Shofawati (2019), Fairooz and Wickramasinghe (2019), Han and GU (2021), Zhong (2022), Yu et al (2023), and Xie and Liu (2022), in their research, investigated digital financing as one of the financing methods. Alizadeh et al (2022) examined the financing of industries through banks. Rahmani Noroozabad et al (2020), examined the financing strategies of companies in normal and crisis conditions. Xia et al (2023), Hajian et al (2023), Lam Vu et al (2022), and Samiei et al (2023), examined financing from a supply chain perspective. Heidor et al (2020) also proposed alternative financing methods in their research. Mardani et al (2018), Hashemi Tilehnouei and Dadashi (2021), Kazeminajafabadi et al (2022), and Salehi Haggi et al (2022) examined the financing through the capital market.
- Methodology
The present research is a qualitative study that aims to design a financing model for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Iran. In terms of the data collection method, this research is classified as exploratory research because it examines a subject in which the researcher seeks to discover and identify important variables and there is no possibility of interfering in the conditions of the subjects. Hence, the Grounded Theory Approach is employed in this research, which is a qualitative research method that uses a series of systematic procedures inductively to create a theory about the phenomenon under study. This method is created from three main components which are concepts, categories and propositions. The concepts are the basic units of the analysis. According to Corbin and Strauss, it is not possible to make a theory using specific data; it should be conceptualized and labeled conceptually by the researcher. The categories are the result of the grouping concepts and are the cornerstone of theory building. The third component of the foundation data method is propositions, which indicate generalized relationships between a category and its concepts, as well as the relationships between the discontinuous categories.
- Result
Through the Strauss and Corbin model, the main elements of the model, which include: causal conditions, contextual conditions, intervening conditions, central phenomenon, and strategies and consequences, were identified using the coding method. The codings were done in three stages, including: open coding, central coding and selective coding. After the coding was done and different parts of the model were identified, the research model was presented.
- Discasion
In the present research, through the grounded theory approach and the paradigmatic model, first, the concept of financing was clarified and specified. Then, the major factors that drive industries towards financing were presented. Next, some existing interventions and contextual factors were identified, and strategies were proposed. And finally, the results that can be seen in the case of financing small and medium industries in line with the goals of the industry were given in a model.
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