National order, Political Stability, and Political Development
Subject Areas : Iranian Sociological Review
Jafar rajabloo
Mehrdad Navabakhsh
soroush fathi
1 - PhD student in Sociology of Economic and Social Development, Faculty of Humanities, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor of Sociology, Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: social order, national order, political stability, political and social development, public participation,
Abstract :
Human society cannot survive without order, and that depends on the level of order and regularization. In different periods of history, the intensity and quality of order have been different, and the occurrence of crises such as wars, coups, etc. have had negative effects on the establishment and non-establishment of order and social cohesion. What type of order each society chooses and what components play a role in national order is related to the type of culture, social spirit, ideals and accepted values of that society. In general, the transition of human societies from traditional to modern requires that human societies coordinate themselves with the new order and pay attention to their essential differences based on internal conditions according to the conditions of presence. In this research, there is a connection between "national organization" as a macro concept at the level of society and "political development" as a subset of the development process, and the researcher's assumption is that; National order has a positive effect on the creation and maintenance of "political stability" and the nature of the "political development" process in the society through the creation of order and regularity, and the ground is provided to accelerate the realization of political development. The current qualitative research is a " library research” in terms of its practical purpose and collection method, and the method of data analysis is "explanatory.” The result is that if national order is observed among parts of a system, society provides the ground for political development
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