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    Iranian Sociological Review ( Scientific )
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    Iranian Sociological Review is published under the auspices of The Islamic Azad University – Tehran Science and Research Branch. It acts as an interdisciplinary social science forum promoting the exchange of ideas between Iranian scholars and the international academic community. It aims to introduce Iranian social science production at the international level, solicit scholarly contributions from colleagues in other countries, and enhance research cooperation between Iranian scholars and international colleagues. As an interdisciplinary journal, it welcomes contributions from across the social science theory and methodology. ISR publishes original research papers, case reports, research notes and review papers on various aspects of social sciences. Authors should submit their contributions electronically through the Journal website submission system to the editorial office. 


    Dear authors

    According to the article’s processing fee determined by ministry of Iran’s Science, Research and Technology, (No. 3112, dated 1400/1/23in solar hijri calendar), the authors have to pay 150,000 Tomans (Iran currecy) for initial review process, and additional payment as 350,000 Tomans. For accepted paper to publish in journal.

    (It should be pointed out that initial processing fee paid by authors, couldnot be teturned to the authors for rejected papers).


    In order to pay the fees related to the refereeing of the articles, it is necessary to pay 150000 Toomans (one hundred and fifty thousand Toomans) through the link and also in order to pay the fees related to receive the acceptance paper and publish procedure of the article (three hundred and fifty thousand Toomans) through the link

    Then, it is necessary to send the .Jpeg/.pdf file of the successful payment as well as the tracking code along with the article files to the magazine.


    Please use Firefox browser for payment



    Topics of interest to ISR include: 

    1. Social Behavior
    2. Sociology of Development
    3. Sociology of Family
    4. Urban Sociology 
    5. Sociology of Art
    6. Sociology of Culture
    7. Sociology of Cyberspace
    8. Industrial Sociology
    9. Sociology of Knowledge
    10. Sociology of Sport



    Professors, students and researchers

    You can send your articles (in Farsi) in social development field to Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies to be reviewed and published.


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    Published by:

    Islamic AzadUniversity, Science and Research Branch

    Address: Science & Research Branch, IAU, The far end of Ashrafi-Esfahani Blvd., Pounak Sq., Tehran, Iran

    P.O. Box: 14515.775

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    Indexed in


    Number of Volumes 14
    Number of Issues 53
    Printed Articles 406
    Number of Authors 880
    Article Views 87131
    Article Downloads 24399
    Number of Submitted Articles 835
    Number of Rejected Articles 330
    Number of Accepted Articles 652
    Acceptance 72 %
    Time to Accept(day) 118
    Reviewer Count 24
    Last Update 2025-3-24