A Comparative Study of the Most Important Elements of the Play in the Poetry of Badr Shaker Assyab and Nima Youshij
Subject Areas : Abstract Articles
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic language and literature, Zabol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zabol, Iran
Keywords: Nima Youshij, Keywords: dramatic poetry, elements of the play, Badr Shaker Assyab,
Abstract :
AbstractDrama or play is a Greek word which means state, action, and incident which only reminded Greek plays, but nowadays it is not exclusive to a theater but its elements and traits such as dialog, character, incident, struggle ….. and has also appeared in other arts and is considered one of the best methods of expression in the contemporary Arabic and Farsi poetry.In the mean time, Badr Shaker Assyab and Nima youshij, having passed of the ancient structure and theme, have entered the dramatic elements in the field of poetry. Freedom from restrictions of rhyme, rhythm, a variety of poetical meters in prosody, extensive use of myth, symbol and their ability in creating new images and tendency to realism led to the opening of new chapter in the innovation of these two well-known Persian and Iraki poets. The present research has been done in descriptive – analytic method based on the comparative literature of American style and has dealt with the most important dramatic of conflict, incidence, dialog, characterization in the above mentioned poets. The results indicate that the dramatic poems of these two poets are in the category of exquisite plays which have been composed to give pleasure to the readers, not for being performed on the stage. Both poets were successful in the conscious usage of the most significant dramatic elements in their poetry. However, the important distinction is that Nima had more declamatory approach to Syab in composing such poetry.
فهرست منابع و مآخذ
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