Studying the Mythological Themes of the Archetype of Shadow in 50 Folkloric Stories Based on Jung's Theory
Subject Areas :
Abstract Articles
Abbas Saeedi
Esmail Azar
Hassan Zolfeghari
1 - Ph, D. student in Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University, science and research branch, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate professor in Persian language and literature , Islamic Azad University, science and research branch , Tehran , Iran
3 - ciate professor in Persian language and literature , Humanities College Teacher Training University , Tehran , Iran
Received: 2021-05-15
Accepted : 2021-09-04
Published : 2022-08-23
folkloric stories,
Abstract :
Studying the literary works from the view point of Jung archetype is one of the most important approaches of contemporary library criticism. Archetypes are the collection of experiences, intrinsic ideas and joint behavior of human race whose phenomena that can be seen in the form of dancing, collective and religious ceremonies, and literary and artistic works. One of the most significant archetypes, from Jung's point of view, is the archetype of shadow. Shadow is anything which the individual doesn't want to confirm it and is always under its pressure. This archetype causes disagreeable behaviors and unaccepted social desires which in weak conditions and crisis reveals itself. Lack of its recognition sometimes leads the man to destruction. Folkloric stories, in this case, are considered as the most important sources for studying the archetypes and common beliefs which were narrated from generation to generation by which one can delve in the depths of tenets and traditions of a nation. We have selected 50 fictions from folkloric stories and analyzed them through the archetype of the shadow. All of these stories have the specifications the fictions we intend in a way that their structures and contents can be extended to other stories. By studying the rate of frequency , and the inflection of the archetype of shadow by Jung's theory, it was clear that there are two dimensions of positive and negative in 9 types with different functions.
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