The Identification of Biocontrol Agents of the Common Pistachio psylla and Determination of the Major Species According to their Population density and distribution areas in Semnan province
Subject Areas : Journal of Animal Biology
Mahdi Mohammadi Moghadam
Ahmad Dezianian
Mahdi Basirat
Mahdi Naeimi
1 - Plant Protection Research Department, Semnan (Shahrood) Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Shahrood, Iran
2 - Plant Protection Research Department, Semnan (Shahrood) Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Shahrood, Iran
3 - Pistachio Research Center, Horticultural Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Rafsanjan, IranIran.
4 - Department of Plant Protection, Damghan branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran
Keywords: Pistachio, biocontrol, Semnan Province, Common pistachio psylla,
Abstract :
Common pistachio psylla (Agonoscena pistaciae ) is one of the most important pests of pistachio orchards in Semnan province (Damghan). This insect causes the considerable damage in the pistachio planting area. This study aims to study the collection and identification of biocontrol agents of the common pistachio psylla and determination of major species in pistachio orchards of Amirabad, Forat and Mehmandost areas of Damghan. Pistachio orchards were randomly selected, and sampling was monthly done, then the population of predators and parasitoids was estimated. This study's results indicated that among collected coccinellid, Oenopia conglobata contaminate and Hippodamia variegate species with %39 and %23 frequency were the most frequent predators. As well as Anthocoris minki pistaciae belongs to the subfamily of Anthocorinae is present on the pistachio trees. These bugs feed on pistachio psylla nymphs. These predators haven't high population density in pistachio orchards of Damghan region. Other predators were collected, such as Crysoperla carnea. Psyllaephagus pistaciae, which were collected from mummified common pistachio psylla, had medium population.
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