Design and implementation of digital ecosystem risk analysis model based on ANP and COBIT, studied in FMCG investment holding
Subject Areas : Financial engineering
Morteza Farhadi Sartangi
Hossein Moinzad
Mohammad Hadi Akbarzadeh
1 - Department of Industrial Engineering, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industries, University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Optimization, risk management, Analytical Network Process, COBIT framework, Digital Ecosystem,
Abstract :
In the hectic world of today, with the rapid changes in various aspects such as political, cultural, social, and technological, leading organizations and industries, are paying special attention to their strategic planning. In addition, with the emergence of new technology and the fast growth of the internet, Digital ecosystems became an inevitable part of the strategic plans, since the future is intertwined with digital business. Digital business creates significant changes in the business ecosystem of organizations, which makes the organization more complex and the need to make strategic decisions related to digital transformation. Digital ecosystems are the digital counterpart of economic ecosystems, which change the way businesses cooperate and compete with strong, and organized architecture and can provide dynamic solutions to complex problems.In this research, by using the COBIT framework and ANP, graph network, and Markov chain, a model has been proposed to measure and analyze the risk of branding management in a digital ecosystem. By evaluating the current status of the risk parameters in an FMCG investment corporate, the research proposed solutions and optimizations, based on a Genetic algorithm and MATLAB software to increase the effectiveness of branding management in the investment Corporate.
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