The opposition between Russia and the United States in Ukraine and its impact on the national interests of Iran
Subject Areas : International RelationsMohammad Nonejad 1 , Morteza Karimi 2
1 - Academic Member of the Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
2 - MA Degree
Keywords: Iran, Ukraine, Russia, America, Crisis,
Abstract :
Relations between Russia and the United States have been accompanied by ups and downs in recent years, and issues such as maintaining and expanding influence in the periphery of Russia, geopolitical energy transmission lines, the deployment of the US missile defense system and NATO in Eastern Europe, the nuclear issue of Iran, and North Korea has had a great deal of influence on these relationships. In the meantime, the crisis in Ukraine can be regarded as a turning point in the development of relations between Russia and the United States, indicating a peak of disagreements and geopolitical rivalries on both sides. Given that the international nature of the crisis in Ukraine will have profound consequences on international relations. In the era of globalization, regional and global conditions have been interwoven. Therefore, the crisis in one region affects the interests of actors in other areas. Ukraine has faced several crises since its independence, with its peak in 2014 and the US-Russian opposition to it. Accordingly, the previous article seeks to answer these questions, which is the origins of the 2014 crisis in Ukraine. What has the Russian-American opposition to the crisis in Ukraine affected the national interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran? The hypothesis of this study is that the crisis in Ukraine was rooted in the Russian-American rivalry that appeared in the Orange, Blue and the Crisis of 2014, so that the crisis would strengthen the Moscow-Tehran relationship in line with Realization of national interests of Iran.
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