The necessary for a coordinated international police criminal policy in the confronting against cybercrime
Subject Areas : International Legal Research
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Criminology, Faculty of Law Enforcement Sciences and Technology, Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Police, criminal policy, international cooperation, cybercrime,
Abstract :
Field and Aims: In the present era, one of the new challenges for the police is to deal with cybercrime. Given the vastness and networking of cyberspace, it must be acknowledged that tackling cybercrime will be due to the extent of the damage and the large number of victims, cross-border and the difficulty of detecting and prosecuting the perpetrator, and many other police-only characteristics. Method: This is a qualitative and applied research in terms of purpose and in terms of collecting information by documentary method and studying international documents, sources related to the subject and the obtained information has been analyzed descriptively-analytically. Findings and conclusion: The criminal policy governing cybercrime in Iran relies more on government response with a focus on national security. The lack of police dynamism, the lack of international cooperation and the lack of a homogeneous police criminal policy structure at the global level have challenged the criminal policy of the Iranian police in the fight against cybercrime. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired result and facilitate international police cooperation in order to reduce the challenges ahead, as well as to build capacity in the fight against cybercrime, an effective coordinated international criminal police policy through international police cooperation mechanisms against cybercrime is necessary. And specializing in cybercrime units, providing equipment and facilities for advanced cybercrime hardware and software, adopting international frameworks for police cooperation in cybercrime, and establishing a coherent international police policy in the face of cybercrime.
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