The Relationship between Self-Handicapping and Unstable Self-Esteem: The Mediating Role of Fear of Negative Evaluation
Subject Areas : Clinical psychology
Atie Arab Mohebi Shahrabi
Shahla Pakdaman
Mahmood Heidari
1 - MA in General Psychology
2 - Shahid Beheshti University
3 - Shahid Beheshti University
Keywords: Fear of Negative Evaluation, adolescent, Keywords: self-handicapping, instability of self-esteem,
Abstract :
This study aimed to examine the mediating role of fear of negative evaluation in the relationship between self-handicapping and instability of self-esteem. The sample consisted of 150 eighth grade girl students (mean age=14years) in 2015-2016 academic year. The participants completed the short version of the Fear of Negative Evaluation (FNES-B; Leary, 1983), the Self-Handicapping Scale (Jones & Rvdvlt, 1982) and the Unstable Self-esteem Scale (Chabrol, Rocio, & Callahan, 2006). The data were analyzed using regression method. The results indicated that self-esteem could predict both aspects of self-handicapping. The results supported the mediating role of fear of negative evaluation in the relationship between self-handicapping and self-esteem instability. The findings suggested that the unstable self-esteem, partly had an effect on self-handicapping through fear of negative evaluations. As a result, stability of self-esteem can be enhanced by addressing the fear of negative evaluation in adolescents.
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