The Effect of Integrated Marketing Communication on Market and Financial Performance, Investigating the Mediating Role of Customer Performance
Subject Areas : Business Management
Javad Safari Malekabad
Omid Behboodi
Ali Safari Malekabad
1 - Master of Management, Department, Management, Attar Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Attar Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran.
3 - Master of Management, Department, Management, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Financial Performance, Customer Performance, market performance, Integrated Marketing Communications,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of integrated marketing communications on financial performance and market performance through the mediating role of customer performance. This research is applied in terms of purpose and survey in terms of method. The statistical population of the research is the managers of food industry companies located in the industrial towns of Mashhad, whose number is 340 active managers. Based on Morgan's table, 181 samples have been considered available by sampling method. The data collection tool was the questionnaire of Batukaya, Lyonch and Arslon (2021). In order to measure face validity from the point of view of experts, convergent and divergent validity and factor analysis have been used. Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability were used to measure reliability. The total Cronbach's alpha was estimated at 0.931, which is within the acceptable range. Data analysis was done by structural equation modeling method and SmartPLS3 software. The results showed that integrated marketing communication has a positive and significant effect on market performance, customer performance, and financial performance of the company. In addition, the effect of integrated marketing communication through the mediating role of customer performance on financial performance and market performance has also been reported to be positive and significant. Also, customer performance has had a positive and significant effect on market performance and financial performance.
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_||_Abashi, A., & Kurdestani, G. (2013). Examining the effect of customer focus on the company's financial performance. Asset Management and Financing, 3(2), 81-92. (In Persian)
Bashukoh, M., & Sakasteband, M. (2011). Investigating the effect of elements of integrated marketing communications on brand strength in the banking industry (case study of National Bank of Ardabil Province). Business Management, 3(4), 21-42. (In Persian)
Belch, G. E. (2001). Advertising and Promotion. An Integrated Marketing Communication Perspective (6 ed.). McGraw Hill, New York.
Butkouskaya, V., Lionch-Andreu, J., & Alarcon-del-Amo, M. (2021). The impact of customer performance on IMC outcomes: firm size moderation in the inter-country context. Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, 26(52), 358-375.
Dehghani Soltani, M., Mohammadi, E., Hemti, A., & Reofi, M. (2018). Investigating the effect of customer relationship management on marketing performance by explaining the mediating role of innovation and marketing memory. Bargani Strategies, 13(26), 59-78. (In Persian)
Doros, D., Kyriakopoulos, G., & Armenaka, V. (2020). An Examination of the Relationships between Customers’ Satisfaction and Business Performance: The Case of Greek Mobile Industry XIV Balkan Conference on Operational Research (Hybrid BALCOR 2020), University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Duncan, T., & Mulhern, F. (2004). A white paper on the status, scope and future of IMC. IMC Symposium Sponsored by the IMC Programs at Northwestern University and the University of Denver, USA.
Fatihudin, D., & Mochklas, M. (2018). How measuring financial performance. International journal of civil engineering and technology, 9(6).
Gali, N., Niemand, T., Shaw, E., Hughes, M., Kraus, S., & Brem, A. (2020). Social entrepreneurship orientation and company success: the mediating role of social performance. Technological forecasting & social change, 160, 1-10.
Ghahramanpour, P., Zanouzi, S. J., & Abolfazli, S. A. (2019). Investigating the effect of flexibility capacity and organizational learning on marketing performance: examining the mediating effects of product innovation and environmental turbulence modifier. Business Management, 1(12), 183-197. (In Persian)
Ghanavati, M. (2014). The effect of corporate culture and market orientation on Iranian industrial SMEs’ performance. Iranian Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 2(7), 413-436.
Gordon, J., Narvaiza, L., & Gibaja, J. J. (2022). An exploratory approach of the association between integrated marketing communication and business performance in higher education institutions. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 2(3), 1-15.
Katsikeas, C. S., Morgan, N. A., Leonidou, L. C., & Hult, G. T. M. (2016). Assessing performance outcomes in marketing. Journal of Marketing, 80(2), 1-20.
Mansour Hosseini, B., & Azar, A. (2015). Accomplishing side purchase with approach of customer relationship management effectiveness and IMC performance (case of Parsian Bank) 2th international conference on management, accounting & economics, Tehran. (In Persian)
Mengli, N., Rezaei, R., & Safa, L. (2016). The effect of customer performance on the relationship between financial performance and entrepreneurial marketing. Business Management Studies, 17(9), 99-123. (In Persian)
Mirshahi, M. A., Yazdani, H., & Khanmohammadi, M. (2012). Examining the status of integrated marketing communications and the effective and affected factors (case study: Bank Mellat). Business Management Perspectives, 13(11), 55-72. (In Persian)
Mohsenin, S., & Esfidani, M. R. (2016). Structural equations based on partial least squares approach using Smart-PLS software. Ketab Mehraban Publishing, Tehran. (In Persian)
Najaf Beigi, R., & Ardeshiri Cham, A. (2010). Evaluation of brand capabilities in the country's food industry. Iranian Management Sciences, 20(5), 111-130. (In Persian)
Parsafard, M. (2010). Investigating the relationship between the implementation of integrated marketing communications and market performance, a case study of Bank Mellat [Master's thesis, University of Tehran]. (In Persian)
Perwito, A. R., & Heny, H. (2020). Integrated Marketing Communication Analysis and Its Effect Towards Brand Equity Proceedings of the 5th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship, Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research,
Roosta, A., Fakhari, M., & Chekau, R. (2015). The role of integrated marketing communication performance on market performance with an emphasis on sales performance indicators, customer satisfaction and brand benefits The second international conference on new paradigms of management, innovation and entrepreneurship, Tehran. (In Persian)
Safari, A., Abbasi, F., & Golshahi, B. (2014). Identifying factors affecting the marketing performance of pharmaceutical companies: the mediating role of ethical marketing. Management researches in Iran, 4(19), 95-115. (In Persian)
Seyed Abaszadeh, M. M., Amani-Sari-Beglou, J., & Khazari, H. (2013). An introduction to SEM by PLS method and its application in behavioral sciences with the introduction of SmartPLS, VisualPLS, PLS-Graph software. Urmia University Publications, Urmia. (In Persian)
Shabani Vernami, Z. (2018). Investigating the impact of social entrepreneurship on organizational performance with the mediating role of distinctive marketing competencies Payam Noor Neka Center]. Dissertation of Payam Noor University. (In Persian)
Tarigan, J., & Hantane, S. E. (2019). The Influence of Customer Satisfaction on Financial Performance Through Customer Loyalty and Customer Advocacy: A Case Study of Indonesia’s Local Brand International Conference on Economics, Education, Business and Accounting,
Tariq, D. (2022). The Impact of COVID-19 on the Financial Performance of the Listed Firms in Palestine. Gazi journal economics and business, 8(3), 398-407.
Tawaf, A., Salari, A., & Faridchehar, E. (2016). Investigating the effect of integrated marketing communication performance on combined purchasing with the mediating role of market performance and the effectiveness of customer relationship management studied by Ansar Bank The first international conference and third national conference on management and humanities research, Tehran. (In Persian)
Xuan, V. N., Thu, N. T. P., & Anh, N. T. (2020). Factors affecting the business performance of enterprises: Evidence at Vietnam small and medium-sized enterprises. Management Science Letters, 10, 865–870.
Zhang, C., Xue, L., & Dhaliwal, J. (2015). Alignments between depth and breadth of inter-organizational systems deployment and their impact on firm performance. Information and Management, 1(53), 79-90.