The Impact of Sustainable Supply Chain Management on Organizational Effectiveness: The Mediating Role of Total Quality Management
Subject Areas : Management and Sustanable Development
Alireza Shishehbori
OmidAli Shojaei
1 - PhD in Executive Management, Setareh Wire and Cable Company, Yazd, Iran
2 - Master, Electronic Electronics Department, Setareh Wire and Cable Company, Yazd, Iran
Keywords: supply chain management, Total Quality Management, Organizational Effectiveness,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of total quality management in the impact of supply chain management on organizational effectiveness in employees of Setareh Yazd Wire and Cable Company. This research was one of a series of correlation studies that were conducted with the modeling approach of structural equations of partial least squares. Due to the small statistical population, the counting method was used for research samples and all 90 employees of the company were selected as a statistical sample. The research measurement tools were the Sustainable Supply Chain Management Questionnaire by Lane et al. (2014), Spinval Integrated Quality Management Questionnaire (2015), and Organizational Effectiveness Questionnaire based on Parsons quadruple function model. Structural equation modeling with partial least squares approach was used to analyze the data. The results showed that supply chain management can directly affect the effectiveness and overall quality management of employees. The results of Sobel test (9/18) also confirmed the mediating role of total quality management. The result of the VAF test meant that the TQM variable could explain 0.42 of the effects of supply chain management on organizational effectiveness. According to this result, the managers of Setareh Yazd Wire and Cable Company are suggested to influence the overall quality management by creating strategies in supply chain management so that they can finally increase the organizational effectiveness of their employees.
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Alford, P. (2005). A framework for mapping and evaluating business process costs in the tourism industry supply chain. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, 125–136.
Avey, J. B., Reichard, R. J., Luthans, F., & Mhatre, K. H. (2011). Meta‐analysis of the impact of positive psychological capital on employee attitudes, behaviors, and performance. Human resource development quarterly, 22(2), 127-152.
Caldwell, P., & Spinach, R. H. (1998). Exploring the principal's contribution to school effectiveness: 1980‐1995. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 9(2), 157-191.
CHUANG, C. H., & Liao, H. U. I. (2010). Strategic human resource management in service context: Taking care of business by taking care of employees and customers. Personnel Psychology, 63(1), 153-196.
Dong, W. C., Young, H. L., Sung, H. A., & Min, K. H. (2012). A framework for measuring the performance of service supply chain management Computers & International Engineering, 62(3), 801-818.
Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2013). Partial least squares structural equation modeling: Rigorous applications, better results and higher acceptance Long range planning, 46(1-2), 1-12.
Hoy, W., & Miskel, C. (2005). Educational administration, theory, research and practice. Journal of Operations & Production Management, 26(3), 254-281.
Koustelios, A., Theodorakis, N., & Goulimaris, D. (2004). Role ambiguity, role conflict and job satisfaction among physical education teachers in Greece. International Journal of Educational Management.
Kumari, P., & Thapliyal, S. (2017). Studying the impact of organizational citizenship behavior on organizational effectiveness. Human Resource Management, 4(1), 9-21.
Maliki, M., Tabatabai Qomi, S. M., & Moradi, N. (2018). The most widely used tools and methods of total quality management Tadbir Management Scientific-Educational Monthly, 29(312), 38-36. (In Persian)
Mehrmanesh, H., & Ghasemi, A. (2018). Investigating the structural relationships between total quality management, supply chain management and organizational performance (Case study: Manizan factory in Kermanshah). Business Management, 10(38), 137-168. (In Persian)
Militaru, M., Ungureanu, G., & Chenic, A. Ş. (2013). The prospects of implementing the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) in education Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 1138-1141.
Mousavi, S. M. S. (2012). Prioritization and Analysis of Barriers to the Use of Identification Technology by Radio Waves in the Supply Chain of the Automotive Industry in Iran [Master Thesis in Industrial Management, Allameh Tabatabai University]. (In Persian)
Mwai, G., Namada, J., & Katuse, P. (2018). Does Leadership Style Influence Organizational Effectiveness in Non-Governmental Organizations. International Journal of Business and Management, 13(8), 52-64.
Nasiripour, A. A., & Jafari, S. (2016). Relationship between improving patient quality and safety with hospital performance indicators in teaching hospitals of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Health Care, 10(4), 319-311. (In Persian)
Nwachukwu, C., Chladkova, H., Zufan, P., & Olatunji, F. (2017). Visionary Leadership and Its Relationship to Corporate Social Performance. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), 3(4), 1302-1311.
Pourchangiz, M. S. (2021). THE effect of applying Total Quality Management (TQM) model on financial performance trend of the company: A case study. Management Research in Iran, 18(3), 113-132. (In Persian)
Rajabi Farjad, H., & Nazari, M. (2020). The effect of knowledge management on organizational performance with the role of sustainable supply chain management. Scientific Thought Ready, 19(75), 141-168. (In Persian)
Robbins, S. P. (2019). Organizational Theory: Structure, Design and Applications (3 ed.). New Delhi, India: Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited.
Safari, H., & Mohebbi Manesh, O. (2011). Presenting a conceptual model of supply chain quality management (SCQM) and examining its status in the Iranian automotive industry (Case study: Iran Khodro Company Thunder 90 project). Industrial Management, 3(7), 77-98. (In Persian)
Santos, G., da Costa, J. B., & Sá, J. C. (2019). The quality management system as a driver of organizational culture: An empirical study in the Portuguese textile industry. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 23(1), 1-24.
Schepker, D. J., Oh, W. Y., Martynov, A., & Poppo, L. (2014). The many futures of contracts: Moving beyond structure and safeguarding to coordination and adaptation. Journal of Management, 40(1), 193-225.
Tapper, R., & Font, X. (2004). Tourism supply chains. Report of a Desk Research Project for The Travel Foundation. Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds.
Taylor, C. M., Cornelius, C. J., & Colvin, K. (2014). Visionary leadership and its relationship to organizational effectiveness. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 35(6), 566-583.
Valmohamadi, C. (2011). Investigating the effect of organizational culture on total quality management. Management Studies (Improvement and Transformation), 22(72), 119-141.
Zia al-Dini, M., Moradi, S., & Babak, M. R. (2016). The relationship between participation and organizational adaptability with organizational effectiveness: The mediating role of organizational ethics. Ethics in Science and Technology Quarterly, 13(4), 124-117. (In Persian)