Designing an organizational behavioral agility model with Meta-synthesis and DEMATEL techniques for higher education
Subject Areas : Human Capital Empowerment
Maryam Rabiei
Davood Kia Kojouri
Mohammad Javad Taghipourian
1 - PhD Student, Public Administration, Islamic Azad University of Chalous, Iran
2 - Associate Prof., Management Department, Islamic Azad University of, Chalous , Iran
3 - Assistant Prof., Management Department, Islamic Azad University of Chalous, Iran
Keywords: DEMATEL, Meta-synthesis, Higher Education, Organizational Behavioral Agility,
Abstract :
Organizational agility with a behavioral approach is one of the issues that explaining its various dimensions and angles in different organizations, provides a favorable position for growth and improvement of their performance at different levels. The higher education system is one of the organizations that should identify the drivers of change and take steps to respond to environmental changes and increase agility by strengthening human resources. Referring to the importance of the subject, the present study was conducted with the aim of designing a model of organizational behavioral agility in the higher education sector using a mixed method. In the qualitative section, using the Meta-synthesis method, after screening 481 articles, 120 articles were reviewed, of which 11 factors were introduced as the final factors of the Meta-synthesis. In the quantitative section, the enumerated factors were examined in terms of effectiveness, effectiveness and internal relations using the opinions of 14 members of the panel of experts and the application of DEMATEL technique. The results show that the criterion of "ability to respond to environmental issues" has the highest among other criteria and the criterion of "change in educational planning" has the least impact on other elements. The highest permeability was related to "formation of virtual educational and research programs" and the lowest permeability was related to "managers' support". It was also found that the variables of "ability to respond to environmental issues", "practical skills" and "adaptability" can be considered as independent variables among the variables of organizational behavioral agility.
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