A Study of the Mystical Face of Sacred Defense Literature in the Heavenly Treasure of Seyyed Morteza Avini
Subject Areas :
seide zahra hosseininia
Saber Emami
َAmir Esaeel Azar
1 - Ph.D Student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - 2Associate Professor, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran, and University of Art, Tehran, Iran, (Corresponding Author).
3 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran,
Keywords: Mystical literature, Confidentiality, remembrance, Velayat, austerity,
Abstract :
In Avini's Heavenly Treasure book, the mystical discourse of classical literature and sustainability literature are seen together. Therefore, in order to better understand this work, which is an example of contemporary literature, the intertextual relationship between mysticism and classical literature must be considered. In the present article, using the descriptive-analytical method and a comparative approach we try to answer whether the Book of the Heavenly Treasure can be considered a mystical text? Regarding this question, the influence of Avini's texts from ancient texts of Persian literature, especially mysticism has been investigated and also the mystical themes such as; province, confidentiality, remembrance, and consent which are the most important common mystical features of Avini and mysticism's texts are considered in order to show that his book can be a mystical text by examining them in classical mystical texts of Persian literature. For this purpose, the extent and manner of influence of Avini from these principles in texts such as Masnavi, Koliat Shams, Divan Hafez, etc have been investigated. According to the high frequency of these terms, the results of this study confirm that Avini, in order to describe his observations of war, was influenced by classical mystical themes, especially the poems of Molavi and Hafez, and gave these concepts dynamic and vivid aspects. Finally, it can be said the heavenly treasure book is based on the rich and mystical literature of Islamic Iran in the contemporary world and is considered a mystical text in contemporary literature.
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