Strategies for Promoting Citizen's Role and Participation in Improving Fuel Station Services Case Study North Khorasan
Subject Areas : Social Sciences Quarterlyabbas kazemi 1 , Vahid Sanavi Grossian 2
1 - MSc Student, Faculty of Management, Bojnourd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd, Iran
2 - Faculty of Business Management, Bojnourd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd, Iran
Keywords: citizen participation, Improvement, Fuel Station Services,
Abstract :
This study investigates strategies for enhancing the role and participation of citizens in improving the provision of fuel station services in the North Khorasan case study. The present study is a survey and applied research. The statistical population of this study is citizens of Shirvan city. The optimum sample size was 267 using Cochran's formula. The validity of the questionnaire was calculated by experts panel and the reliability of the questionnaire was calculated by Cronbach's alpha about 95.8%. In the present study, descriptive statistics test was used to analyze the demographic data of the statistical sample. The research is discussed. The data obtained from this study were divided into two sections: descriptive statistics, frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation. It is necessary to explain that most of the data analysis was done by SPSS software. Improves customer confidence above average, Better fuel service (fuel card) increases customer commitment above average.