Assessment of attraction and environmental compatibility in architectural structure of eco-tourism resorts from tourists’ point of view (case study: Gilan ecolodges)
Subject Areas : Social Sciences QuarterlySeyed Mohammadreza Nasir Salami 1 , Maryam Rostampisheh 2 , Said Tizghalam Zonouzi 3
1 - Faculty of Architecture, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Faculty of Architecture, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Faculty of Architecture, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: architecture, Gilan province, Eco-tourism, Ecolodge,
Abstract :
Architectural structures and elements is one of the most important parameters in eco-tourism and these are key factors in ecolodges. Ecolodge type and its architectural quality, level of compatibility with native culture and natural environment and its attraction and satisfaction value have great importance for eco-tourism market and its future planning of entrepreneurs’ architectural rebuilding and innovation. Gilan is one of the eco-tourism centers, where numerous ecolodges with different structures have been established in recent years, meanwhile, tourists’ point of view is an essential recognition for future planning. In this research, level of architectural attraction and environmental compatibility in ecolodges based on tourists’ attitude have been investigated through quantitative analysis and evaluated questionnaires of architectural components, which has filled by 221 tourists. The result of statistical analysis indicated high level of architectural attraction for tourists and acceptable value of environmental compatibility in architectural structures, although structure of ecolodges are very different of rural houses. It not only means incompatibility but also can cause more attraction and satisfaction values.