Analyzing the Availability and Spatial Pattern of Public Services Distribution in Urban Neighborhoods (Case Study: District 15 of Tehran Municipality)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning Studies
Leila Pooryahya
habibollah Fasihi
طاهر پریزادی
1 - M.A of Geography & Urban Planning, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Human Geography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor of Human Geography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Urban Services, Spatial Pattern, Spatial Justice, Tehran,
Abstract :
Introduction: Urban public services take a structure to the physical, social and spatial nature of the city, and therefore their unbalanced distribution pattern will have an irreparable impact on the structure of urban neighborhoods.
Research Aim: In this research, the availability and spatial distribution patterns of public services have been analyzed in the neighborhoods of district 15 of Tehran Municipality.
Methodology: The research method is descriptive-analytical, which was carried out by using documentary and observational data and using Geographican Information Ststem and Vicor model for the analysis.
Studied Area: The area of this research is District 15 of Tehran Municipality. It has an area of 27.8 km2 and a population of about 66000 people.
Results: The studied neighborhoods can be classified into four categories according to the number and weight of services. In the top category, there are 3 neighborhoods of Abzar, Moshiriyeh and Masoudiyeh, which have been developed in recent decades. In the lowest category, there are 3 neighborhoods of Mesgarabad, Shoosh and Manzarieh. The first is a marginal neighborhood, and the other two neighborhoods are part of Tehran's old fabric. 4 neighborhoods are in the intermediate category, close to the top category, and 9 neighborhoods are in the intermediate category, close to the lower category. The pattern of service distribution is clustered, except for religious service which shows a random patthern.
Conclusion: In large cities, including in Tehran, in the neighborhoods of the central part of the cities, where the buildings and space has been formed in accordance with the needs of the time when the neighborhood was created, compared to the new neighborhoods, using land for public service, except for trade, shows more weaknesses. Also, since the establishment of services has been more focused on places where it is possible to access land, the spatial distribution of services in the neighbourhoods does not show a balanced pattern, except in the case of religious use, all of them have a cluster form.
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