The Application of Multi - Criteria Decision - Making Models in the Assessment of the Development Spatial Inequalities in the Field of Health Care (Case Study: Ardabil Province)
Subject Areas : Urban and Regional Planning Studies
behnam bagheri
Mohammadtaqi Masoumi
Hossein Nazmfar
Raosul Samadzadeh
1 - geography department, Islamic azad university Ardabil Branch
2 - gepgraphy department, islamic azad university, ardabil branch
3 - University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
4 - Islamic Azad university Ardabil Branch
Keywords: Multi-Criteria Decision Making, development, Ardabil, spatial inequality, Healthcare Index,
Abstract :
Proportionate distribution of facilities, equipment, and Proficient human forces who are directly involved in the health of society is of great importance. The present descriptive-analytical study aimed to rank the Counties of Ardabil province with respect to the health care development indicators. Access to health carefacilities and their distribution across the Countieswere determined by employing 26 health indicators, applying TOPSIS and VIKORdecision making models,and unifying the results by Borda and Copeland techniques, mean-rank, and integration. The findings revealed the gap and inequality among the Counties of the province and a marked difference in access tohealth care facilities and infrastructures. The results of the integration method revealed that among the Counties of the province, just the county of Ardabil, the center of the province, had very favorable conditions. The Counties of Khalkhal and Meshginshahr had favorable conditions. The most deprived county in terms of access to health care facilities was Sarein and the other Counties were classified as deprived or somewhat deprived areas. The findings indicate that it is possible to change the spatial inequalities of development towards balanced growth by decentralization of facilities from the center of the province and proper distribution of facilities and equipment with a justice-oriented approach and also the distribution of health care equipment in proportion to the population of Counties.
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