Mapping Sequence diagram in Fuzzy UML to Fuzzy Petri Net
Subject Areas : Operation ResearchE. Akbari 1 , R. Noorian Talooki 2 , H. Motameni 3
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Keywords: non-functional parameters, fuzzy UML, sequence diagram, fuzzy Petri net, Formalization,
Abstract :
This ability in fuzzy UML, practically leaves the customers and market’s need without response in this important and vital area. Here, the available sequence diagrams in fuzzy UML will map into fuzzy Petri net. However, the formal models ability will be added to the Semi-formal fuzzy UML. This formalization will add the automatic processing ability to the Semi-formal fuzzy UML. Further more, the other advantages of this mapping is: access to non-functional parameters such as reliability automatically to the considering systems, study the verification of the designed plan and also decrease the expenses because of satiety to make lab sample before its implementation. Using the fuzzy UML mapping into fuzzy Petri net in control, critical and real-time systems will be more applicable.
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