The Semantic of Swearing in the Quran
Subject Areas :
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Keywords: Morphophonemics, Swear, Historical Semantics, curse, Quranic Terms, Quranic Arabic, Cultural Semantics,
Abstract :
.The Semantic Study of Swearing in the Quran A Historical, Cultural Approach Aḥ mad Pākatchī Abstract The concept of swearing in the Quran has always drawn the Quran scholars’ attention. Meanwhile, the frequently mentioned clause of “lā Uqsimu” which literally means “I won’t swear” has been a challenging issue for both the commentators and Arabic grammarians. The explanations offered for the meaning of this negative clause used in the Quran, are hard to be accepted and need a sort of revision. The method applied in this study, as appropriate to the subject, is a mixture of historical and cultural semantics. The most significant conclusion of the present study is that swearing in the culture of the Arabs at the time of the revelation, like other cultures, included a negative connotation and had a meaning close to the cursing. Thus, the Arabic clause of “lā Uqsimu” in the Quran, should be literally translated; that is with negative meaning which is required by its apparent negative structure.
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