Collocational Clashes in the Persian Translations of Tuesdays with Morrie
Subject Areas : All areas of language and translationRoghieh Asgari 1 , Hajar Khanmohammad 2 *
1 - MA in Translation Studies, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Central Tehran Brach, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of TEFL, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Central Tehran Brach, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Collocation, Collocational Clashes, Collocative Meaning, Lexical Collocations, Naturalness,
Abstract :
This study aimed at finding features of collocational deviations in the translations of Tuesdays with Mor- rie. In this direction, categories of collocations and collocational clashes, as well as causes of collocation- al clashes were explored. The present work investigated five Persian translations of the novel. All the books were examined completely and all possible collocational clashes were extracted. After checking with an educated native speaker and Persian dictionaries of collocations, they were categorized and tabu- lated according to the taxonomy proposed by Benson (1985). Two general conclusions were deducted at the macrostructural level: Benson‘s taxonomy could not meet all requirements and categories concerning comparison of collcational clashes in English-Persian pair; thus, the researchers added some new catego- ries to Benson‘s taxonomy. The second conclusion was that the translators after the first translator, pro- duced more collocational clashes. At the microstructural level, 249 instances of collocational clashes were extracted from the translations. The most frequent patterns of collocational clashes belonged to ―Verb + Noun‖ and ―Adjective + Noun‖ patterns, and the least frequent patterns belonged to ―Adverb + Adjec- tive‖, ―Noun + Verb (Names of Sounds)‖, ―Adverb + Adverb‖ with no examples in the corpus. The re- sults of this study could confirm the universality of collocational clashes among translations and they may be applied for pedagogical purposes in teaching the pitfalls of rendering collocations.
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