A Study of Internet and Cell Phone Effects on the Youth (15-29 Years of Old)and Identity Change in Mazandaran
Subject Areas : Sociological Studies of YouthMehrdad Navabakhsh 1 * , Fatemeh Hashemnezhad 2 , Vahid Zad Shampour 3
1 - Associate Professor of I.A.U (Science and
Research Branch)
2 - PhD Student of Sociology and Faculty Staff
of I.A.U (Sari Branch)
3 - hD Student of Sociology(Science and
Research Branch)
Keywords: Internet, Identity, chat,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to search on the effect of internet and cell phones on youth (15-29 years old) and identity change in MazandaranProvince. The method of study with attention to subject, purpose, questionsand hypothesizes is survey. The Population of this study is all youth in 1529yearsold inMazandaranProvince.ThesamplingisbasedonCohenand others(2001)standardtableandthesampleis chosenfrom384amongthe youth.Themethodofsamplingismixture(clusterandrandomsampling). Thisstudyusesthesewaysfordatagathering;the documentarymethodand questionnairemethod. In this research data are gathered and entered into computer and thenprocessed with the SPSS program. There are two statistical tests in thisregard; descriptive and inferential statistics. In inferential statistics medianwas used to test the hypothesis.
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