Internet Addiction: Evidence of Students at Islamic Azad University in Babol
Subject Areas : Sociological Studies of Youthعاطفه پوراکبر 1 * , سیف اله فرزانه 2 , ابوالقاسم حیدرآبادی 3
1 - Babol
2 - Babol
3 - Babol
Keywords: age, gender, internet addiction, marital status, Chi-Square Tests,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present paper is to peruse the internet addiction position and also examined the relationship between the internet addiction and age, gender, and marital status. The statistical group consists of the university students at Islamic Azad University in Babol in 2015, which have access to the internet connection with utilizing a simple random sampling technique. Moreover, based on the present research findings, the most addictive internet among some of the university students is seen the married women at the age between 25 to 30 years. Also the Chi-Square Tests indicate that there are relationships between marital status, gender, and age and internet addiction.