Open Access Article
1 - Numerical Analysis of the Effect of External Circumferential Cracks in Transition Thickness Zone of Pressurized Pipes Using XFEM – Elastic-Plastic Behavior
H Salmi Kh EL Had H EL Bhilat A Hachim -
Open Access Article
2 - Effect of Vertex Angle on Elastic-Plastic Stability of a Steel Open Conical Shell
H Shokrollahi -
Open Access Article
3 - FEM Implementation of the Coupled Elastoplastic/Damage Model: Failure Prediction of Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) Composites
I UD DIN P Hao M Aamir G Franz S Panier -
Open Access Article
4 - Thermo-Magneto-Elastic-Plastic Analysis of functionally magnetoelastic pressurized thick cylindrical structure
Sahar Sohrabi S Rash Ahmadi -
Open Access Article
5 - A Semi-analytical Approach to Elastic-plastic Stress Analysis of FGM Pressure Vessels
A.T Kalali S Hadidi-Moud -
Open Access Article
6 - Steady Thermal Stresses in a Thin Rotating Disc of Finitesimal Deformation with Mechanical Load
J Kaur P Thakur S.B Singh -
Open Access Article
7 - Implementing the New First and Second Differentiation of a General Yield Surface in Explicit and Implicit Rate-Independent Plasticity
F Moayyedian M Kadkhodayan -
Open Access Article
8 - Plastic Wave Propagation Model for Perforation of Metallic Plates by Blunt Projectiles
S Feli S Noritabar -
Open Access Article
9 - Mechanical Stresses in a Linear Plastic FGM Hollow and Solid Rotational Disk
M Jabbari A Hatefkia M Shokouhfar -
Open Access Article
10 - Elastic-Plastic Transition of Pressurized Functionally Graded Orthotropic Cylinder using Seth’s Transition Theory
S Sharma R Panchal -
Open Access Article
11 - Mechanical Stresses in a Linear Plastic FGM Hollow Cylinder Due to Non-Axisymmetric Loads
M Shokouhfar M Jabbari -
Open Access Article
12 - An Enhanced Viscoplastic Constitutive Model for Semi-Solid Materials to Analyze Shear Localization
M.H Sheikh-Ansari M Aghaie-Khafri -
Open Access Article
13 - Flexural behavior assessment of an eco-friendly thermoplastic composite sandwich panel with recyclable core and faces
Seyed Ali Mousavi Hassan Shokrollahi Hadi Sabouri -
Open Access Article
14 - Experimental Investigation of Heat Treatment Effects on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of AA6063 Alloy in ECAP Process
Hossein Tamim Mohammad Javad Saleh Parhizkar